Your favourite text editor

18 Oct 2002
Bit bored so thought i'd make a thread on this, I imagine it has been done before but i searched and didnt find one so here we go.

At home I usually use Notepad++ on windows, but Im just sitting on a mac because all the pc labs are full here at uni. Anyway I found this editor on here called TextWrangler, I thought it wasnt possible to beat Noepad++ but thi really is better imo. Shame its for mac only :(
When using linux I use Kate, which offers pretty much the same stuff as notepad++.

So, which are your favourites?
Zend studio is awesome!

I also use Ultra edit when @ work - its quick - no where near is good as a customised version Zend studio though.

With Zend you can easily customise commands to write code for you, for example i tend to write

echo '<pre>'; var_dump($_SESSION); echo '</pre>';

A lot so I can bind that to a combination of keys. You can also customise it so it prompts for a value - so where session is - i can type what ever value i want each time.
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Bloo_Fish said:
With Zend you can easily customise commands to write code for you, for example i tend to write

echo '<pre>'; var_dump($_SESSION); echo '</pre>';

A lot so I can bind that to a combination of keys. You can also customise it so it prompts for a value - so where session is - i can type what ever value i want each time.
Ooo, now that would be pretty handy to have as a shortcut. I found Zend Studio a bit cluttered and slow for my liking, but I didn't give it much chance really; looks a very good PHP editor though. I think there should be some kind of dev or debug extension for PHP that adds one-liner functions like a print_r_pre($foo) or var_dump_globals().

I'm a Scite user. Got it customised exactly how I need it, and it suits me perfectly.
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