Your favourite text editor

Depends on the application. For PHP dev at home, I tend to use Eclipse -- just because I use Subversion at home and it makes it easier.

At work, I'll use Visual Studio usually. Its 'find in files' function is very quick (certainly much quicker than UltraEdit) and I tend to use it a lot. Been doing more tool development than usual too, so tend to use it for that as well. For plain text or if I want to deal with big files, UltraEdit is best.
SciTE is my current fav.

Tried PHP designer, too slow, likewise for Eclipse (that thing is dog slow, especially with Java)

netBeans is cool, but again quite slow.

UltraEdit is awesome, but pay-for.

TextPad is nice and simplistic, with custom syntax highlighting. Same goes for NotePad++.
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