Your game of the decade?

Much as RDR2 is pretty outstanding The Witcher 3 pips it for me.

Took me two attempts to get into it but once it clicked I couldn’t put it down.
My initial thoughts were for The Witcher 3 but I checked my play times on Steam.

Divinity Original Sin 2 came out top followed by Xcom 2.

I'd still give to The Witcher 3 though.
Have to say the last decade has been devoid of truly stand out games for me - I could say The Division as there are some things it does really well but ultimately too many things that detract from it as well.

There have been some that should have been stand out but I just can't play them due to silly things like they can't just make basic proper FPS movement/aiming work, or silly bugs that impact a lot on the game experience that the developer/publisher are either too inflexible or too obstinate to fix which entirely destroys any ability to enjoy the game for me.

One that would get an honorary mention though would be Subnautica - decent atmosphere and an experience that will likely stay with you long after you've finished the game.
God of War
Fire Emblem Three Houses

Probably edging towards BOTW or FE:TH as the one I enjoyed the most. I feel like TLOU was a master piece but I enjoyed the least. GOW was amazing.

Witcher 3
Trails in the Sky 1/2
Divinity Original Sin 2
Dark Souls

I’ll probably give it to trails in the sky 2. It was magical for me and is the top of the top in regards to character focussed storytelling. TW3 is close but I felt the gameplay was not all that. DOS2 is amazing but doesn’t take itself seriously enough in the story department.

Dark Souls is RIGHT behind Trails in the Sky and honestly actually probably beats it as a game.

Resident Evil 7 VR
Beat Saber
Robo Recall

Superhot; despite it being far from my favourite VR game now, it was my first VR game I played and it blew me away. However Boneworks has set the bar IMO.

Old Relics I played this year
Final Fantasy Tactics
Planescape Torment

I’ll give it to FFT. Just kept me hooked until the last second and has a beautiful ending.
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BF3 or 4 (3 had the greatest impact on me but I was late starting so have spent more time on 4).
Assetto Corsa.

For me, they are the pinnacle of my two favourite genres. So far, at least.
I am not sure I could pick just 1.
This would be my shortlist:

Heroes of the storm.
Cities Skylines
Stardew valley
Oxygen not included
Skyrim with mods for me. Had over 300 hundred installed, the game played, looked and sounded better than anything we'll even get over the next 10 years I reckon.
The Witcher 3. I've never felt so emotionally invested in a game before or since. An absolute masterpiece of storytelling.
Witcher 3 and all it's DLC's.

Nothing has even come close to how immersed I was in that game. Absolutely perfect.
Ghost Recon Wildlands deserves praise.
The sheer scale of the maps are breathtaking and a very immersive experience overall.
The sequel breakpoint I'm playing right now appears to be just as good.
I haven't gamed that much at all in the last decade, so the pool I have to choose from is small, but....

PC : Battlefield 3

This is the last game I played on PC, so an easy choice. Battlefield 2 is my favourite game of all time and coincided beautifully with those lazy teenage years spent playing with mates. Bad Company 2 was great, but didn't feel like a proper follow up. Battlefield 3 had everything and was great fun. I'll be building a new PC in the coming weeks and plan on getting Battlefield 4 and possibly 5, so it will be interesting to see how they stack up.

Console: RDR2

Not only does this game looking stunning, even on a regular PS4 @ 1080p, but the open world was great as well. I've played it through twice now; the first time mainly story focused and the second time doing all the side stuff and challenges. Absolute masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.
A decade is a long time.

I'm gonna say that the biggest game changer for me was BF BC2 (graphically, as well as adding destruction and other cool stuff to the fps genre that hadn't really existed). Everything since then has felt like an iteration.

Witcher 3, as others have already said was a masterpiece of a game, as was alien isolation

In terms of play time, my steam account tells a different story:
- mechwarrior online
- payday 2
- World of warships
- Battlefleet Gothic Armada
- elite dangerous
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