Your most common typos

A word I incorrectly spell a lot is archive, which doesn't look right for me. It seems more right to me when it's spelt archieve.

I keep getting double a's and e's for some reason so have becomes haavee and then I have to go back and delete one of each. Only started happening recently too.

It might be the keyboard that I use, but when I type the word 'said', it sometime shoves in an extra s and it becomes sasid. Not quite an adjacent letter but it is a repeated letter nonetheless.

Brian and his brain

My parents had the clothing catalogue called Brian Mills for years, and when I was a kid I misread it as Brain Miles, so both words were misread :p
I remembered there is a word I type wrong every single time. Today it appeared.

Existing I type as exisiting

Phone auto corrects. Computer doesn't!
'Retards' is my most common typo for work emails. I use a pre-set signature for most of the emails I have to send but there's one system where I can't set a signature so I have to remember to copy and paste my work signature in and to not type Retards. Although, as I think others have said, sometimes I think the people I'm emailing actually deserve it.
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