Your most memorable moments in gaming

Playing and achieving Elite rank in Elite ( the original on C64 )
Civ 2 - lost many hours playing this game into the early hours, often waging war with several aircraft carrier fleets at my disposal.
X-Wing / Tie Fighter - need I say more ? I can't believe it's taken until this year for a developer to create a modern Star Wars flight sim game.
Meridian 59 - first proper graphical M.U.D ( preceding the likes of Everquest ) - such a fun game with plenty of PvE and PvP gaming involved. My avatar was used in one of the U.S advertising campaigns !
Everquest - graphically, at the time, such a huge step up compared to M59 ; the first true MMORPG. The scale of the game was astounding when it first launched - nothing else compared. Played with a large group of players who all knew each other from M59 days - must have been about 60-70 of us.
Diablo 2 ( and L.O.D ) - dripping with atmosphere, who can forget the Tristram theme track ?
Baldur's Gate - a faithful, and glorious, adaptation of a DnD campaign on PC. Loved the handcrafted maps/areas the Infinity engine allowed.
Titan Quest - outside of Diablo franchise ( or 1 & 2 at least ) the best hack n'slash ARPG.
Batman Arkham Asylum - the system 'crash' still chills my blood every time I get to the section.

I'm ashamed to say I thought it was a crash and rebooted, then repeated with the same result. Googled for bugs and driver releases only to experience the moment via it being explained on a webpage. Felt very stupid finally firing up the game and carrying on.
I'm ashamed to say I thought it was a crash and rebooted, then repeated with the same result. Googled for bugs and driver releases only to experience the moment via it being explained on a webpage. Felt very stupid finally firing up the game and carrying on.

Don't feel embarrassed - if my PC was on the desk I would've done the same. I was of my chair heading round the desk to the power button when the game continued.

It's the only game that's ever played me rather than played the character I was controlling. :eek:
Pc wise:

Zool - The entire experience of it.
Commander Keen - First time seeing the giant fish.
Duke Nukem - no need to explain.
Doom - First time seeing this round a friends on a 100mhz cpu I think it was, you were asking yourself how games could look any better.
Monkey Island - the satisfaction of puzzle solving with no guides.
Cannon Fodder - Nothing else like it.
Sim City - Seeing disasters for the first time.
C&C - The cut scenes and playing as nod.
Jimmy Whites WW snooker - so bad, yet so memorable.
Resident Evil - First game I had that required a gpu. Seeing that opening zombie scene as a kid was borderline terrifying.
Tomb Raider - Groundbreaking at the time.
Half Life - Again, the opening gameplay.
Cs 1.6 - Too much to list
Unreal Tournament - Everything about the Multiplayer.
Alien vs Predator - This over LAN was incredible for its time.
WOW Vanilla - Probably lost years to this.
Half Life 2 - The hype.
Crysis - Those graphics and trying to hit 30 fps.
Diablo 3 - The loot and systems on release.
Batman Arkham City - The joker, and the reference to lost.
Overwatch - When you can't carry enough resulting in auto loss.
Dead by Daylight - Nothing else like it and so much depth to what looks so simple.

Loads no doubt missed.
- vividly remember when I finished HL2, and the action freezes and the G-man starts talking. That was a proper WTF moment!

- playing Mario 64. That must have been one of the first 3D games I played (or remember playing a lot). The idea that you can go in different directions rather than up/down or side to side!

- Doom 3. Remember playing that in the dark, wearing headphones and being properly scared of walking the corridors where things would leap out of the darkness

- Endless multiplayer Golden Eye sessions

- Playing a PvP ninja game at my mates on his Playstation, but as we wanted to play it properly and not see where the other player was, we stuck a bit of cardboard down the centre of the TV so we could only see our side.
Off the top of my head -

- Killing an enemy on CS 1.5 for the first time and the enemy player exclaiming how annoyed they were. I was hooked on online games since then.
- Several "clan match" moments from counter strike days, mainly CS 1.6
- Countless first kill of difficult bosses in various WoW expansions
- Countless intense arena match wins in various WoW expansions
- First 25kill nuke on Call of Duty MW2 on hardcore team deathmatch. They were hunting me!
- Many chicken dinner plays on Pubg over the last couple of years. It still gets the adrenaline going!
Winning the European Cup with Derby County in Sensible World of Soccer and then taking the Wales job and leading them to World cup glory on my Amiga.

Completing the original Dungeon Master.

Completing Manic Miner my first Spectrum game.

Seeing quakeGL on my Voodoo 1.

Demon Souls on ps3 starting my soulsborne addiction.

Completing my first raid on Destiny 1 (vault of Glass).
Beating Derby County in Sensible world of soccer playing Nottingham Forest and winning the European cup in championship manager before it got complicated and boring.
There are few games I remember much from, but I’m curious what you most memorable gaming moments are?

A few of mine:
  • Witcher 3 sailing across a lake in the middle of the night to a haunted house (I only vaguely remember this quest)
I’m sure I’ll think of more...

That first line has made me want to play through Witcher again.

Loved the immersion in that game.
Mine are:

  • Many moments in FFXI like running from one city to the other/trying to get to your party that you've spent 2 hours waiting for while trying to dodge mobs that will 1 shot you.
  • Phantasmagoria series. Great games for there time.
  • Area 51 on Xbox. I was pretty awesome at that game and was ruling the leaderboards until servers went offline.
  • Completing Bloodborne.
  • Beating Call of Duty 2 on Vet.
Here’s my list. Several of these already mentioned but for good reason.

My friend bringing his original Game Boy round after school. It seemed so futuristic having a game console you could fit in your hand!

Hour upon hour of the original Mario Kart on the SNES with my brother.

The opening of Half Life. Absolutely mind blowing at the time.


Resident Evil late at night in the dark. When the dogs jumped through the window it was terrifying!

Two overclocked GTX460s in SLI finally allowing me to play Crysis!

The graphics crash in Arkham Asylum.

More recently getting off the first island in AC:Odyssey, watching the opening titles roll and getting a sense of the huge scale of the game world.
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