Your opinion on HDR

6 Dec 2004
Leamington Spa
What do you think of it?

I'm not so impressed really, I tried it on and off on DOD Source and the difference isn't exactly "Whoa!"
I quite like it.. It makes the maps seem a bit more real than just having a constant light source all the time:)
I like it on some maps, but for example Dust on CSS, HDR just looks naff :confused:

It makes the game look really fluffy.. :p Screenshots of FarCry look better though, because you can adjust the HDR in that
The bloom effect coupled with it (it's not part of HDR!) usually sucks because it makes everything glow. Dynamic tone mapping is the only really useful feature (that's the effect where you walk from a dark area to a light area and the light adjusts).

Street > It's nothing to do with light sources :)
I personally like HDR, but would only use it for single player or non-competetive online gaming - otherwise the FPS hit is just too high.

Problem with HDR is in my opinion is that it's came too early. Sure, it looks great when you leave a cave and enter a sunny day - but in real life, you witness this sort of effect a lot more. Hell, I had a BBQ today, looked at the greasy sausages, and noticed a HDR-type effect on them. But that'd look out of place in games today, as you'd never have sausages that detailed. Ok, a very odd example, but you get my meaning - HDR should apply to many more objects rather than the sky, armour and buildings.

I like it, it brings that added depth and realism to the experience.

Granted there is a performance hit but thats advancement for you.
In real life i would rather stay inside or wear sunglasses i hate bright sunlight so much.

So in games i hate it just as much, so i turn it off, total crap, i wish they would stop pimping such gimmicky graphics.
HDR for online games is pointless. You come out of a tunnel and are temporarily blinded by the light for a second. However, the guy waiting on the other side doesnt have HDR enabled and can see you perfectly and shoots you dead before you can see perfectly.
benjo said:
I like it on some maps, but for example Dust on CSS, HDR just looks naff :confused:

Thats only because your used to dust having no HDR maybe? :D

Personally I like HDR gives the game more eye candy.
Dod is probably the only game that uses it properly so far, most other games seem to go totally overboard on the effect and make it look crap. Though saying that, its not really an effect thats too noticable in a lot of cases especially considering the frame rate hit for a lighting effect.
Fubar said:
In real life i would rather stay inside or wear sunglasses i hate bright sunlight so much.

So in games i hate it just as much, so i turn it off, total crap, i wish they would stop pimping such gimmicky graphics.

definitely the most interesting comment i've heard about HDR so far. Never considered how people might find it unfomfortable like this.

I'm ok with it, but it needs to be subtle, so that I hardly know it's there. It's smart stuff but right now I'm not bothered about it in my games that much.
I like it when it's used properly, I hate it when it isn't. As long as it fades away when you look at it I'm happy. I ski a lot so I'm used to it though.
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