Your opinion on HDR

I think HDR is far too overboard at the moment, usually everything is excessively bright, and areas that should be dark are lit 'normally'. The point of HDR is to allow for dark areas within large areas of light, and vice versa, not making everything so bright that your monitor becomes the only neccessary light source in the room.
HDR used correctly is very nice. D&D online has it and when you are in a sewer its nice to see the sunlight shine though the manhole covers into the area. Those that say everything is excessively bright should take a look at D&D they got it right. Dark areas are dark.
in single player i love it, it may be gimicky but its in its infancy. i love NFS: MW when your coming out of a tunnel and its over bright cant see **** but its a buzz even if it is bloom still nice to see. As for MP i havent done much of it latley, now uni is over with and gf has been whipped i might see what happens.
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