Your PC Generation!

15 Feb 2020
Q-Dance HQ
I was curious as to what the good folks on this forum had from their first pc up to their current setup. List your PC specs through the years and maybe a little story as to why you ended up with that system and what got you into PC gaming. I'll start ;)

First PC: MSi MS-6368, Intel Pentium 3 450Mhz, 3dfx Voodoo 2 12Mb, 256mb DDR, IDE 160gb HDD and basic 150watt small form PSU.
This system was purchased for me by my step dad for mu 12th birthday (21 years ago) for he knew my love for making music on the PC in the music studio at school since he did the same at home in our music studio. I soon found out i could run games on this system and wrote the specs on a pc of paper and went to my local game shop and found re-volt. A classic rc racing game. This solidified my love for pc gaming soon followed, 6 months later, by codename outbreak. This hooked me into the fps genre to this day. 3.5 years later the pc gave up on me and i lost my first love. Spent 1 year saving every penny from working on a local market stall to purchased my next PC. This PC lasted me 4 years :eek:

Second PC: MSI MS-7173, Intel Celeron D 3.06Ghz, Nvidia 6600gt, 2gb ddr2, Sata 320gb HDD and 350watt atx psu.
This system i purchased for myself in 2006 for a whopping £580 (6600gt was a free upgrade as system was EOL/Demo system, awesome store manager) after my first pc died. This system did me well for 3 years but was outdated a bit when i purchased. This system was what got me into wanting to build, repair and upgraded PC's. On this system i researched all i could about motherboard's, cpu's, gpu's, memory and PSU's. This became my ginuea pig for overclocking while I found my love for Novalogic's joint operations and activition's call of duty. This pc lasted me 3 years :)

Third PC: Nova with 200mm Blue LED fan case, MSI p6n-sli v2, intel e8500 (3.8ghz oc) with Zalman CNPS9500 led, Palit Nvidia 9800gt sli (750mhz oc), 4gb ddr2 800mhz ocz nvidia sli certified (875mhz oc), sata 500gb HDD and 800watt EZcool psu.
This was my first PC i built in 2009. I soon realised SLI was a bad choice and could have got a gtx 260 for the same price at the time and would have been better off. I also found out the hard way that cheaping out on the PSU was a big no no. After 1 year the pc kept shutting down and under any GPU load of 50% for both GPU's. This then caused me to upgrade to Corsair gs800 psu and that became my reason that started my love affair with corsair. This system lasted me 5 years :p

Fourth PC: Coolermaster HAF 932, ASrock z77 Extreme 6, Intel Core i5 3570k (4.6ghz oc) with Zalman CNPS 9900max Red, Nvidia GTX 570 (850mhz oc), 16gb 4x4gb corsair vengeance pro, SanDisk x210 512gb SSD and Corsair GS800 PSU.
This was the first pc i built where i knew what i was doing in regards to the specs and quality of the hardware and my knowledge and confidence to build it right. This was my pride and joy where i spent most of my nights after going out drinking most weekends became boring and expensive. This was then upgraded to at 2600k (£100) in 2016 which was far cheaper than the 3770k (£180) and a gtx 780. This is now my eldest daughters current pc and lasted me for 5 years.

Fifth PC: Vector Custom mini, Barrow D5, T-virus reservoir, 360mm and 240mm rads, ASrock z390 Phantom Gaming 6, Intel Core i7 9700k (4.8ghz oc) with barrow block, Nvidia gtx 1070 (2000Mhz oc) ekwb block, 16gb ddr4 corsair vengeance red led, Nvme intel 660p 2tb and corsair hx1000i.
This was an expensive (£2750) custom loop i built in a vector custom mini desk in 2019. This pc was leaked tested for 2 hours with no issues so i turned it on for the first time and all is well. 45 minutes later my system caught fire from the pci-e socket. The sound and smell was awful. My Motherboard, gpu and gpu block was destroyed. Asrock was nice enough to replace the board for free after they saw the damage upon return. A week later, i found out that my gpu block i had sat to one side while i was in contact with ekwb and inno3d had rusted at the inlet/outlet ports where the screws secured the ports in place. after 3 months ekwb agreed the issue was due to 2 hairline factures in the acrylic block and a small amount of water leaked from and down into my pci-e socket and short followed by the fire. They agreed upon proof of purchase to refund my gpu and block. This allowed me to purchase an rtx 2070 for the same price as my 1070 and a watercool heatkiller gpu block. Nice upgrade. This lasted my for just shy of 4 years.

Sixth PC: Lian Li O11D, Aqua Computer Ultitube D5 Next, Watercool Heatkiller IV RTX 2070/2080 Block, Alphacool Eisblock XPX Edge, Corsair xr5 360mm and 2x240mm rads, MSI Z590 Gaming Edge wifi, Intel Core i7 10700k (4.8ghz 1.175v), Gigabyte RTX 2070 (1950mhz @ 900mv), 32gb Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200mhz 16-18-18-36-1T, WD 2tb m.2 SSD, Corsair HX1000i.
This is my current PC and was planning to add an rtx 4070 into this system. Unfortunately, my 12 yr old cat was kicked by a secondary school kid after a called my cat to come in. The kid thought it would be funny to do that and in turn my cat just laid on the ground meowing. The kid ran off like Usain Bolt laughing with his 2 friends. Rushed my cat to the vets and found the news my cat had to have immediate surgery. The surgery was successful and he has since made a full recovery but the cold weather causes him light pain in that leg but nothing he can't handle. However, more bad news when my pet insurance refused to cover the £800 bill. So i took them to court and won the case and 6 months later still have refused to pay the £1000 settlement. They have now decided to take me to court under false pretence. They say i have been rude and have threatened them over many phone calls and they have proof in which to use this in court. Funny part is i have not spoken to them once since the court hearing so they can only prove i did nothing. This however, set me back £800. There goes my rtx 4070.

As for the kid, i saw him a week before Christmas and followed him home and spoke to his mother and of course i saw where his personality comes from. She refused to believe me and went on to complain that even the school have been calling her complaining about her son in regards to bullying and vandalism at the school. She's in denial and told her to come to her senses and realise your son needs your support. She told me until i have children of my own i have no right to tell her how to be a parent. I said i have a 9 and 6 yr old. realising she made a mistake, she then threatened to call the police if i abuse or lay a finger on her son again. Told her to go right ahead as i did nothing of the sort and if i catch her son do anything like that again i will march him to the police. As i walked away she stated "see you in court a hole" :eek::cry: Little does she know, I video recorded the entire moment. Lets see how that holds up in court ;) What a great end to 2022.

Well that's my PC Generation and the stories that become of them. What's yours?
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Honestly can't remember every spec...
  • commodore 64 (tape based)
  • atari 1040 ste
  • packard bell (iirc) sx2-50 - in early high school
  • custom built pentium 100 - late high school
  • Tiny (the brand) pc pentium 3 500mhz - a levels/first year of uni (yes I was very lucky to have parents willing to buy me pc's back then, they weren't cheap)
  • custom built dual socket/cpu Athlon MP 1900+ (I think it was that speed) - classic beige cheiftec type case, originally 512MB of ram, then 2GB of ram when I had to replace the motherboard because of the cheap ass psu they used melted the (20pin iirc) connector... - I bought this first year of uni from a combination of savings and student loan.... can't remember how much it cost but I didn't need to update my pc throughout uni, unlike many others on the course, so actually saved money relatively speaking.
  • Athlon 4 1200mhz based Sharp laptop - bought during uni.. that was a chunky beast but it was basically a desktop processor in a portable case. It was comically more powerful than the pc's available to the first year uni students at the time.
I built the desktops from this point on...
  • Opteron 175 in sugo sg01, cpu was cooled via the psu fan and an nt06 - 4GB of ram - bought age 25ish for my own business at time.
  • s939 Athlon x2 4200+ - 4GB of ram Lian li G50 case - bought a little while later as a second machine
  • i7 4790k - 32GB of ram, ssd, no gpu currently but was a gtx570,followed by a 1060 6gb bequiet purebase 600
  • Ryzen 5950x, 128GB of ram 3600 c18, 12TB of SSDs, lian li o11evo....using the 1060 6GB while hoping on a price drop for the 4080 (I waited through covid/scalpers/crypto, I can wait a little longer lol) - 3D design etc, and I got the second 64GB in a sale.
  • i7 12700H, 16GB Ram, 3060, 16inch Dell Laptop
I still own the items in bold.
ZX Spectrum 16 then updated to 48k
Atari STe
Amiga 500
Amiga 1200
Athlons, a few of them, starting with 800 IIRC
Core 2 Duo
I7 950
Ryzen 1700
Ryzen 3900x

I probably missed a few.
lsg1r, nice collection you've had over the years. Also very lucky to have had parents willing to buy you some of them back in the day :)

Something daft already!! Also quite the collection. I did have a zx spectrum. Got stolen while i was at school by my next door neighbour. Broke in stole our bikes, consoles, games and home phone of all things lol. Got caught a week later selling it to cash converters, where a friend of my dads worked haha. Got stuff back in the same condition, her got arrested and jailed for 6 months. Came back within 2 weeks of being released but this time at night, while i was sneaking down stairs for a cheeky midnight snack and a quick game on the ps1, there he was with the ps1 in hand and panicked enough to forget how to get back out the rear patio door. This time jailed for 6 years as he burgled 3 more neighbours that same night. Numpty.
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Not going to post it all as it goes back to the early 1980s LOL but this was probably my favourite setup through the years:


DFI 865pe Infinity (later changed for the LANParty variant but somewhere along the line that went - I forget what happened to it now), OCZ XTC Gold w/ voltage booster, Intel Pentium 4 3GHz w/ HT, Akasa Black Knight cooler (much hyped at the time), 6800 Ultra Extreme strapped on an AGP board, Creative Sound Blaster Live! (I actually had the full spec gold version but I couldn't find it when I took the picture). Had short stroked HDDs in RAID at the time as well IIRC so it was crazy fast for the era loading games, etc.

Also quite like the system I'm mostly using as my main desktop even though it is quite old now (Xeon 1650 V2 w/ 16GB 2400MHz Kingston Beast RAM and 3070FE) - the X79 V2 platform back when it was new was quite a bit ahead of its time really.
I don't remember my _very_ first as when I was about 7 my parents gave me a Frankenstein from my dad's and brothers old parts. I could play Simpsons Hit 'n' Run with my PS1 controller and that was about it, but that was all I needed really as a 7 year old...

They then bought me a PC a few years later with an Athlon II Duo and MX440, played too much CSS on that...

My first self build was about 10 years ago...
i5 3570k
8gb ram
Radeon 6870
Gigabyte Z77-D3H
1TB Barracuda
120gb Vortex SSD (which lasted barely a year)
Corsair TX650 PSU
All in an Antec 900.

Since that build I've replaced various parts over the years. A Samsung Evo 850 in Black Friday. A 7850 from a friend to replace the 6870, then a 970 a couple years later to replace the 7850.

2019 I replaced the CPU as even at 4.6ghz is struggled hard in the multi core scenarios like BF, coding, CSGO map compilation etc. Onto Ryzen!

MSI X470 Gaming Plus
R5 3600
16gb RAM
1TB WD blue nvme

Dark Rock Pro 4 for some overkill cooling...

2021 bought a 5800x and sold the 3600 on - that DRP4 paid off here . This year I finally replaced my trusty 970 with a 3070, my case has been upgraded to a Thermal Divider 300TG to fit the GPU in, and PSU replaced with an RM750.

Just waiting on my 32gb ram kit and Kraken X73 to arrive so I can put the side panel on my case! It's quite interesting to look back my original self build and how I've adapted it over the years.

The 3570k is on its 3rd owner and still serving someone well. The 7850 is in a friend's office PC.
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Rroff. The classics never die. The 1650 even as a server grade cpu. 6 cores 12 threads is still good enough today. Maybe a 3070 would show cpu bottleneck but still a great cpu for it's time.

MatteRB26. It's always nice to look back at what you had and to see what you achieved through the years when building pc's. Your current setup is nice though. That 3070 should keep you going for a while even at 1440p, especially at 1080p lol.
I remember my first PC well, I saved up £1000 for it in the early 2000s, did some build guide reading and forum posts etc and was happy to try my hand at building my first PC. Bought the arts all from [COMPETITOR!!!!!] who are local, so returns etc was easy if something was faulty.

Circa 2001 it was:


Abit KT7-A
Athlon 700MHz OCd to 900Mhz
Geforce 2MX 32MB
15" generic CRT
Enlight 7237 case with custom modded glass side panel window + fan control switches
Floppy disk drive lol
Cold cathode lighting

Didn't change much other than upgrade GPU a few times, and tried Sound Blaster soundcards but got fed up with buggy drivers and bloated software so go a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz which opened my ears to actually good quality sound in all games andmedia.

GPUs had in that time frame:

GeForce 2 GTS 32MB
Geforce 2 Ultra 64MB

Geforce 3 Ti200

I then upgraded to a new build in around 2005:


I can't remember the exact specs but I believe it was my first build of an Intel system, Core2Duo and then incrementally upgraded to a Core 2 Quad range of chips until 2011 when the real juicy upgrades started to happen with new builds.

GPU upgrades from 2003 though:

Leadtek Geforce 7800GS (G71 core) AGP 256MB
Geforce 4 TI4200
Geforce 4 TI4600 Ultra

Geforce 7800GS 256MB
Geforce 7800GS+ 512MB
PALIT Geforce 7950GT 512MB

Zotac Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB
HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB
Inno3D Geforce 8800GT 512MB

GeForce GTX 260 (core 216 version) 896MB
ASUS Geforce GTX 460 Direct CU Top 1GB
Palit Geforce GTX 460 Sonic Platinum 1GB (returned)

Around the 2009 mark I changed the Santa Cruz to an Asus Xonar Essence STX because Turble Beach stopped driver updates and I was looking forward to newer Windows versions. The STX was superb, first audiophile grade soundcard and I upgraded the OpAmps to Burr Brown chips which added a distinct warm smooth sound signature which I would grow to be really fond of because I was used to that from the NAD C320 Bee amp I had up to then. They seemed to be nicely paired.

And the builds from 2011 onwards:


In 2022 I upgraded the RAM and GPU and stepped up from 32GB to 64GB RAM. The GPU was a 3080 Ti FE, the one pictured above was a 2070 Super. I also ditched all internal HDDs and bought an 8TB SSD for storage and docs, and had previously shifted from a SATA OS SSD to NVMe.

The 3080 Ti installed:


Around 2014 I bought the world's first 34" ultrawide UQHD monitor, the LG 34UM95-P. It was a game changer, a resolution and size that looked beastly. Only 60Hz given the year, but everything else was perfect. I had various 24" and 27" monitors up until then in dual screen setup. In 2022 I then bought the world's first QD-OLED 34" ultrawide monitor. Seemed a no brainer, had the world's LCD 34", now the first QD-OLED :p

I had also long binned off dedicated sound cards and gone fully USB DAC/Amp. My PC audio is what I considered end-game for me now. It covers all bases and I can't imagine ever needing anything better because it sounds so good:

- NAD D 3045 DAC/Amp (incrementally upgraded from a D 3020, D 7050)
- KEF Q300 speakers
- Sennheiser HD650 headphones


And so the above 12th gen build remains my current build consisting of:

- 12700KF
- 64GB DDR4
- Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X
- Corsair Air 500D with Arctic PST fans
- Arctic Freezer II 280mm AIO
- Samsung 870 QVO 8TB
- Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1TB
- Alienware AW3423DW 34" QD-OLED
- Phanteks AMP 750W PSU

I don't plan on a new mobo change until the 14700K and I'll go DDR5 then, if it's worth it... The GPU is likely to remain really given the trend in GPU prices, and I have no desire to go 4K so don't really have a solid reason to change GPU anyway.
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Rroff. The classics never die. The 1650 even as a server grade cpu. 6 cores 12 threads is still good enough today. Maybe a 3070 would show cpu bottleneck but still a great cpu for it's time.

MatteRB26. It's always nice to look back at what you had and to see what you achieved through the years when building pc's. Your current setup is nice though. That 3070 should keep you going for a while even at 1440p, especially at 1080p lol.

Depends a bit on the game - can be up to about 20% CPU limited, usually less, at 1440p with the 1650 overclocked vs 10th and 11th gen Intels, I've not really compared to 13th gen - anything with ray tracing, etc. tends to max the GPU out though. I only really got the 3070 as I do a bit of Quake 2 RTX modding and some other ray tracing development as a hobby.

I then upgraded to a new build in around 2005:

Picture reminds me of when I had a ridiculous size/cost speaker system in a fairly small flat - couldn't really use it.

Just realised that would have been around 2005 as well.
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mrk, that's a hell of an upgrade path. Love how as the years went on the system became more about aesthetics and hiding them cables. I know that feeling. Cases back in the day were not designed for cable management as they are today.
Commodore Vic-20 still have it but hasn't been used since the 80s.
Commodore 64 still have it but haven't used it since the 90s.
BBC micro B
Atari ST, not sure what happened to it.


P3 533MHz high street special.
Athlon 1800 based pc
Athlon 64 3000+ based pc
I7 920 based PC and I still have it, albeit with a few upgrades to ram, case, GPU and the like. It still works for me.
My memory is not very good but think it went;
Amiga ( no clue on specs)
Intel pentium 75 gateway system with a 5mb HDD ( used to play decent flying game on it. )
Intel celeron 233mhz system, don't remember other specs.
AMD Athlon with a 3dfx voodo GPU.
AMD BE X2 55, Radeon HD6850
AMD Phenom X4 with 2 Radeon HD6850's
Intel i5 2500k with an Nvidia 8600 gt
Intel i5 4670k with an Nvidia GTX 970

Took a break from a pc for a while an now back to a different I5 4670k with GTX 1660. Looking to change my case and cooler and eventually move to a Ryzen 7600 with a Radeon 7700.
I started off with a ZX81. I'd got the bug from earlier using an Apple. My first PC was a XT clone. ISA, ISA16, VLB, PCI, AGP, PCIe, I've used the lot. EISA at work too. And it gradually went from there.
Ignoring computers that weren't PCs that I had in the 80s:

  • 486-DX33, 4MB RAM - A PC dad brought home from work, mostly used for game demos, Doom 2, Championship Manager 93/94. Floppy disk days.
  • Cyrix 6x86 PR200+, 16MB RAM. Upgraded this soon after to 48MB RAM and 3dfx Voodoo 1. Notable because the local shop we bought it from used Quake to test the soundcard and 'forgot' to uninstall it. So the date I first played Quake is engrained in my memory,, about 9pm on 14th October 1997. Quakeworld is still the main game I play to this day. In hindsight the Cyrix CPU was a bad buy for gaming, I also killed it by overclocking it when the CPU fan stopped spinning.
  • Celeron 300A @ 472.5, Abit BH6, 64MB PC100. I'd say the 300A is the absolute OG overclocking chip, basically what brought it to the mainstream. I bought this after researching on the internet.
  • P3-650E @ 910, 128MB RAM, 3dfx Voodoo 3. I'm still using the Enlight 7237 case nearly 23 years later. The CPU was bought from OcUK, guarenteed to 866mhz.
  • P4-1.6A @ 2.6, 256MB RAM, GF4 ti4200. Again, still using the Chieftec Dragon case nearly 21 years later. CPU failed but I got a 1.8A @ 2.7 as an RMA replacement.
  • Athlon 64 3000+ Clawhammer, bought this secondhand but got rid of it fairly soon after. Paired with 6800.
  • A64 3000+ Venice @ 2.5ghz, 6800GT. I remember feeling a bit peeved at having to upgrade to PCI-E from AGP.
  • C2D E4300 @ 3.15ghz. 2GB RAM iirc? I bought this because it was cheap, about £65 and about the same for the motherboard. Think I was on a 7900GTO or 8800GTS by then.
  • i5-750 @ 3.8ghz, 4GB RAM? GTX280
  • 3570k with 12GB RAM. Moved on to a HD7950. This was by far the longest I had a PC for, about 5 years until I upgraded to:
  • Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB RAM, RX480.
  • Ryzen 7 2700X, 32GB RAM, 1070ti
  • Ryzen 5900X, 32GB, RTX3070 then 6900XT. This is by FAR the most expensive rig I've ever owned, basically with the gpu shortage and extreme prices combined with the pandemic I decided to splash the cash this time around. To put it in context:
    • The CPU cost £445, previous highest was the P3 at £190.
    • The GPUs cost £600 and £775 respectively, previous highest was the 1070ti at £270.
    • So in summary both CPU and GPU cost well over double the highest I'd ever paid before, dating back to the 90s.
If I were to summarise the overriding factors behind my historical purchases from the 300A onwards were basically looking for overclocking potential and general bang for buck (typically buying CPU and GPU for around the £100-150 mark). This kind of changed with Ryzen though due to the relative lack of benefit from manual overclocking given the auto-boosting etc.
I'm loving these past pc's. I don't feel so bad having had so many systems over the last 20 years. In fact it would seem my 6 pc's are little in comparison.
I'm loving these past pc's. I don't feel so bad having had so many systems over the last 20 years. In fact it would seem my 6 pc's are little in comparison.
I wouldn't say 6 is that bad for 20 years.... prior to intel going on their performance hiatus due to no real challenge from AMD you could easily see a decent improvement every 2-3 years and 'relatively' speaking pc parts were actually cheaper as long as you didn't go 'cutting edge'....

And if you think about it a different way 1 pc every 3-4 years (average) isn't actually that bad value for money imo (yes I know your systems don't quite match that time separation)... personally I aim for 4-5 years from a pc these days, expecting to maybe upgrade the gpu/ram (if not already full) in that time frame if needed....although I might be a bit quicker if we see some major performance jumps over my current 5950x.
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I wouldn't say 6 is that bad for 20 years.... prior to intel going on their performance hiatus due to no real challenge from AMD you could easily see a decent improvement every 2-3 years and 'relatively' speaking pc parts were actually cheaper as long as you didn't go 'cutting edge'....

And if you think about it a different way 1 pc every 3-4 years (average) isn't actually that bad value for money imo (yes I know your systems don't quite match that time separation)... personally I aim for 4-5 years from a pc these days, expecting to maybe upgrade the gpu/ram (if not already full) in that time frame if needed....although I might be a bit quicker if we see some major performance jumps over my current 5950x.
The only reason i have an rtx 2070 right now is due to money being tight. In all fairness my 2070 does all i need it to at 1080p 60fps. It will probably do for another 1-2 years at most before i have to drop settings down to medium.
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