Your Political Compass

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Interesting little questionnaire that apparently knows your political stance based on a series of questions.

I honestly think of my self as centre right, i voted Brexit for reasons i could go on about all day, I think Trump is a reaction to political correctness gone way too far, i would never vote Labour because i think they are lunatic Marxists and i hope we all know how many bodies that's stacked up in the last 100 years....... you get the picture.

And yet this test thinks i'm Centre left, a bit librarian, maybe i am, maybe what i see as the left has gone much too far left, did i mention that i think Labour are basically Marxists?

Here it is, see how you get on.

My result:

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You appear to be a typical working class Tory. It's all so simple voting based on instinct/the heart/Daily Mail headlines however when you actually try to analyse which party would serve your best interests you don't get the result you expect.

Oh, and I would keep your dubious librarian tendencies under a hat if I were you...

Well, right now i would sooner vote for Mr Moog than Corbyn, or May.

"dubious librarian tendencies" ? could you expand on that? i'll read it tomorrow, i'm off too bed, its already way later than i would like it to be.
I'm pretty much the same as the OP. I definitely feel like I lean to the right these days, whatever that means as it depends on the subject matter. My political compass results and whodoisidewith put me left of center though. Despite my reservations with Labour that's who I voted for as I wanted my vote to be most in line with my views, even with my concerns.

My natural and past tenancies are to vote Labour, these days i really would rather vote for Jacob Rees Mogg, Labour are far too much about social engendering, this includes dividing people by social ideas, gender and wealth and using the state to force people to conform to their ideal, so for example they would form policies based on the idea that White males are the most privileged in society while Radical Muslims are the most oppressed and afford them enforceable benefits to redress their perceived imbalance, if you are against that you are are a racist, never mind that Islam is not a race, it is a religion and a political ideology, look at the problem the Labour party have with anti-Semitism, another form of White Male Oppression they perceive is against Woman, i'm all for equality of opportunity, treating Woman the same as Men, what the Labour party want is equality of outcome, there is a very big difference, equality of opportunity affords Woman the same rights as Men, equality of outcome denies Men rights where equality of opportunity is perceived not to guarantee 'the desired outcome' so for example the Labour party are very big on trying to get 50 / 50 Male - Female political representation, they know more Men are likely to stand for election and more Men are likely to get voted in, so their reaction is, and they actively do this, is to ban Men from standing in some elections, to me that is utterly insane, i don't want the best Woman, or the best Man, i want the opportunity to vote for the best person, if that results in more Men than Woman in politics so be it.
Given the opportunity i feel Labour would force the same discriminatory systems into our employment in the name of equality of outcome.

I don't like a lot of Mogg's policies, but for me he seems to be the best of what's left of sane politicians right now.
I also like Mogg but don't agree with him on everything, Like his ridiculous religious views on abortion etc. However he has said those are his personal views and would not be something he would look to push politically which is respectable IMO.

I agree.

I dunno what's so sane about knowing you look like a mustacheless Hitler and still thinking it's a good idea to copy his hairstyle :p

I think it was Jordan Peterson that I heard it from but wasn't there a correlation between peoples political leanings and whether they were considered creative or orderly? Quite an interesting point as anecdotally this seems to be the case among many people I know.

I like Peterson and i think i have heard that said, as far as i understand it basically if you take out extremes and just look at sensible ideology, so centrist politics, if you are centre right you think people should be left alone by the state, if you are centre left you think the state has at least some role in controlling your life, that stems from the idea that creative people can fend for themselves, something about the creative mind that makes one adaptive and independent, none creative people tend not to think for themselves or trust their own judgement. They prefer the guiding hand of the sate, naturally this also dictates if you are likely to question the state or just blanketly trust in it.

On Peterson more widely, C-16 is an appalling piece of legislation and a classic example of an authoritarian left. I fear an authoritarian left far more than an authoritarian Right, those who do not understand that do not understand that Hitler was a Socialist.

Look at what the Left is saying about those people who voted in Trump, left wind media are actively turning into inti-Trump propaganda machines, study Antifa, a leftist movement that encourages physical violence against those they consider right wing, to those people the right is anyone to the right of Karl Marx.

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The only real time I heard about the actions of Antifa (Anti-facist) is when they were literally standing up to White supremacists at Charlottesville....And some people here in GD were claiming those white guys shouting "Blood and soil" weren't far right...

I can't post examples of real violence in here because of rules, but here is an example of Antifa lunacy at Kings Collage London when they invited Carl Benjamin to speak, a liberal commentator, they consider him far right.

Edit, still against rules.... Google it... "Antifa at Kings Collage London"
So what makes him 'liberal'?

Broadly, His belief that all reasonable people should be treated equally, Antifa have a problem with him because he doesn't believe radical Islam has a right to exist in this country, i agree. Radical Islam is anything but liberal.
Are you sure those are his views (again, I don't know him)

Because....nobody thinks radical Islam should exist in this country.

Antifa are idiots, they don't know the difference between people who practice their religion in a moderate sense and extremists, BTW extremists also exist in our own Judaeo-Christianinty but the problem is Islam taken in its most direct and purest form hates Judaeo-Christian, the ideology the entire western society is built on.

The fact is our society allows their hate for us to be preached on the streets of our towns and cities, those Muslim Grooming gangs didn't rape our children just because they are pederasts they did it because it was as they saw it their religious duty to rape western **** for the way they dress and act. for a decade the authorities knew it was going on and did nothing about it.

IMO these people need to be rounded up and deported.

If you protest those people you will be arrested and charged with racial hate.
Well that's rubbish really. Most of the grooming paedos weren't even hardcore practitioners of Islam - They drank and did drugs which is definitely a no-no if you are an extremist Islamist.

They did it to satisfy their disgusting sexual desires with teenagers (children)

Actually yes they are, all of them are practising Muslims, and they only targeted white Girls, pederasts target children, not exclusively white girls and they told those girls they were doing it because they were western ****
* Pinochet (Argentina)
* Hitler (Germany)
* Habyarimana (Rwanda)
* Slobodan Milosevic (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

I don't know about the other three but Nazi Germany was socialist.

The USSR was also socialist, China, North korea, Venezuela, Cuba... all socialist to varying degrees, all of them a disaster to varying degrees.

Socialism doesn't work.
Germany wasn't socialist! You are being wilfully ignorant about the Nazi party because you heard the full name was: National Socialist German Workers

They were as right-wing as it gets.

No, what i understand it that for socialist control to work you have to be nationalist, if you cannot control your population you cannot have socialism, every socialist in existence is self contained with a nationalistic wall around it, decanters are expelled and silenced, that in the end is how you get to the atrocities that all socialist experiments end in. Some far worse than others.

They all started with good intentions, including Hitler.
There are no fundamental differences between Socialism and Communism, Lenin based his vision on Karl Marx, as did even Hitler, the trouble is once you go down that road you have to become nationalist to protect it, its not that socialism is nationalist, it is its inevitable outcome.
Hitler, who declared Karl Marx to be his ideological enemy and burnt all his books - "based his vision on Karl Marx"

Where do you get this chuff?

Marx was a German Jew. as was Einstein, doesn't mean the nazies didn't propagate his science, they did, in a big way.

Lunatics can appear hypocritical, they are just lunatics.
Here's the 2018 version of the axis. Looking back over the thread, a lot of results make far more sense now!


You would have the feminist up in shrills with that, it suggests Woman are Neurotic and Emotional while Men are Pragmatic and Logical, i'm not saying its wrong, just saying its not PC :D
From your own chart, The Tories, Republicans and the former UKIP (rip) were right up with that "horrible ideas that have to be forced on people". Current Labour is close to the center, right near the "Live and let live"

But I disagree with you "Progmatic Logical-> Neortoic Emotional as a 1-D axis. Pragmatic-Logical is a broad areas cvering the center. Neurortic-Emotional is anything on any of the extremes.

Banning people from standing in elections because they don't fit the criteria for a predefined outcome is not live and let live, its very much interventionist, some might even say dictatorial, its also based on feelings of what should be right and wrong rather than practical pragmatism.
you do understand how Political parties operate right?

That depends on the political party and your definition, Most political parties have some form of social engineering but the Labour party are the only ones who actively discriminate in elections based on their own take on social justice, which isn't even democratic and a slippery slope.
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