Your preferred programming environment

I can code almost anywhere as long as its not too noisy (or I have my headphones). However I need a task/job I can get into, then I can just tune everything else out and carry on for ages.

A good chair and LCD is a must though, as if your sessioning it you'll want to do it without wreaking your eyes sitting in confont.

A nearby window that can open, a big table for the PLCs and motors, a standalone PC that aint controlled by some powercrazed admin. As for the IDE, well everything is blue background as white is too harsh. Every office has its less serious moments, so for those, a couple of inflatable mallets (for the bugs) is sufficient.
I generally code better at night, but alone, in a comfy chair with a nice big screen (though i only have a 17" tft), a quiet keyboard, and classical music with good headphones.
Usually got a few language reference books, or an api homepage open.

In terms of IDEs all of my code is written in vim.

Works great for c/c++, php and java.
Essentials: Large desk, full-back chair, two TFT monitors and a mouse with scroll wheel.

Oh and, VS.NET :cool:

I hate coding if I'm tired. It makes me cranky and that's how bugs are made. I tend to do more remedial tasks like updating documentation if I don't feel like coding :p
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All these great lists.... At work I'd love just to be able to get on with things rather than having to answer questions every five minutes. It takes a couple of mins to get back on track and then I'm distracted again :rolleyes:

At home there is nothing more I need. At work I could use a faster PC, a bigger (or another) monitor, a more comfortable chair and a higher desk! I'm more than happy to have the phone cable cut too :D
if (codingEnvironment == 
    "Really really tidy desk, no clutter." &&
    "Natural light" &&
    "Window open" &&
    "Background music" &&
    "Lots of Diet Coke" &&
    "Reference book to my left" &&
    "No distractions (It takes a while to get back into the swing of things)." &&
    "A fast computer (My computer is slowing down by the day) :(")
  perfectEnvironment = TRUE;

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I need masses of diet coke, multivitamins, an Apple Pro or Thinkpad keyboard and some pure Noise style music on my stereo. I find I can only concentrate on something when I'm listening to music that's so abrasive that it blocks out everything else :p
Sitting at home in my leather chair, darkish room but enough light to read the books/paper arround me easly. Packet of smokes/rollies on the desk ready to light up in times of need, usally with a strong coffee and some rock radio on in the background.

At work sadly it's very light, noise from other people talking/on the phone with constant inturuptions every 30mins from people who can't change their own toner, no music and definatly no smokeing. They wonder why it takes me so long to code things! (I'm the only computer guy here)

Next project I'm asking for a few days a week at home to work, really do believe I'll get more done that way.
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