Hi There!
I am writing to you in regard to pictures that keep being deleted from my account by Photobucket. I'm using this box thingy since I can't find a proper email address anywhere.
It seems that PB are deleting pictures which violate their Terms of Service. I'm fine with this in principle but I can't understand WHICH terms of service some of my pictures violate! For instance, seeing as I upload a lot of fetish photograhy, I imagine some would violate this clause in your TOA:
"[users may not] Post, upload, email, or otherwise transmit, via the Site or Services, any Content that is unlawful, obscene, harmful, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or hateful, or that contains objects or symbols of hate, invades the privacy of any third party, contains nudity or pornography"
Aha - here we go - the nudity and pornography part. But wait... if nudity is not allowed - why have the following pictures not been deleted from my account?:
Rather strange, I'm sure you'll agree. Also I noticed that the following picture was deleted too:
I don't understand why. It's not really nudity is it? Is it obscene? Surely the idea of obscenity is relative. I have no idea! It seems that no strict criteria are followed by PB - some things are deleted and some things stay depending on the moderators' whims. Does PB not make allowances for people with artistic interests? Clearly not.
If someone could explain I would be most interested to know because at the moment I don't have the foggiest.
Sam Grant