Your random pictures..

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El Gringo said:
You can actually see the tip of the horn up in the knee area.

I think that means he should be ok, if it had mashed up his knee joint instead of just the skin then that'd be much worse - lucky guy.

^^ nice boobs, unfortunately she looks like she'd like to suffocate you with them :eek:

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the reason people run from the bulls is for the adrenerlin high, i bet when it happened it may not have seemed to have hurt a great deal, but emagine when the high wears off lol
Dist said:
the reason people run from the bulls is for the adrenerlin high, i bet when it happened it may not have seemed to have hurt a great deal, but emagine when the high wears off lol
yeah - the morphine high was probably even better! ;)
~J~ said:

Poor animals. Those guys must have serious problems if they need to do this. What they want to prove? That they can run fast? What a bunch of morons.

"On the street, the animals are prodded and beaten to make them panic and run. Screaming people running alongside the bulls grab and twist their tails and hit them with sticks, and many bulls are injured when they lose their footing or crash into the sides of buildings.

In the packed stadium at the end of the route, the bulls are exhausted, weakened from injuries that they’ve sustained along the way. But it’s not back to the pasture for these tormented animals—later in the day, matadors will make sure that each and every bull dies right there in the dust by severing their spines while they are still wide awake and conscious

They should do this to their mothers - dress them in a palstic bull costumes and run them through the city beating them with the sticks. That would be the ultimate macho run.



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Here are a few random ones on my work computer.

This one I drew when someone asked me what Insect I would be if I had to choose:


This was posted on the community forums at work and it made me laugh:


This is a picture I drew in paint whilst at work. Dan, Chris and myself all finished work at 5:30pm on this Friday and John was stuck at work until 8pm. This is how I decided to mock him:

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