Your random pictures..

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Wrong place, wrong time :p
Crazy Fool said:


Most of these claims are false or greatly exaggerated.

1. Camel spiders top speed - 10 mph.

2. Size: Up to 6 inches

3. They have no venom.

4. They don't jump.

5. Called camel spiders because they live in the desert.

Holy sense of humour failure batman :p

droolinggimp said:
Who is that?
tis from Carry on Girls (bit during the pageant where they are covered in pepper and soil) but I cannot remember if its wendy richard or sally geeson :( I loaned all my carry on DVDs to me mum so I cant check :|
Took this when i was in manchester last week.

It was on a poster outside the Cricket grounds at Old Trafford. Cant really make out whats going on but the guy in the middle seems under attack!

Azagoth said:
Nice one, I was looking for that thread a while back! That's a classic, right up there with the guy who 'water-cooled' his rig by sealing the case and filling it with tap water. :D
Lmao! Never heard about that one. :D
This photo just makes me LOL every time. The photographer is like there saying "Hi There! say cheese?"

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