Your random pictures..

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Collected a few pictures from Naffa's farm this morning as stayed over for his awesome birthday party :D



G-MAN2004 said:
'Tis only the best TV show... ;)

Love this image. Not sure where it came from.


If anyone has that in a higher resolution... love you long time. ;)


Just goto scotland in autumn, you'll see plenty like it - it ma ywell be canada or scandanavia but it's all pretty similar (the scene in that photo anyway).

Scotland in jan / feb is awesom by the way, you won't get up anything unless you have experience of clampons and ice axes (which I don't) but just looking up at it is enough.
Telescopi said:
- it ma ywell be canada or scandanavia but it's all pretty similar (the scene in that photo anyway).

My neck of the woods is similar.
I really need to get out and about with a camera, the scenery here is fantastic.
Tommy B said:
Cool photos. Got any more?

I like behind the scenes stuff.

Unfortunately not, sorry. I unlocked them on the LOST website after getting 100% on a quiz. :p

EDIT: If you go on a certain LOST spoiler site ( and search for 'behind the scenes' it comes up with some. Beware of spoilers though.
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