Your random pictures..

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Zip said:
:eek: Your an Auzzie :eek: :eek: :eek:
lol no, I just enjoy teasing my Aussie friends with their own slang.

Nix said:
A picture is worth a thousand words.

What else is a picture of a burning flag going to insight?

You know what, I cba with you. If you can't realise why that is going to offend people, than you're obviously autistic.
And you must have some kind of social autism for not even having a hint of compassion for iBot when it's obvious that he's distressed.

Bye :)
Oliver said:
lol no, I just enjoy teasing my Aussie friends with their own slang.

And you must have some kind of social autism for not even having a hint of compassion for iBot when it's obvious that he's distressed.

Bye :)

No, I know people who self-harm first hand. I know exactly what they want to hear and I'm telling him exactly what to do for his benefit.

You lot badgering him to post images is only giving him the attention he's crying for. This will mean he'll only do it again when he wants the attention. It's like a small child - even negative attention is attention. I'm not giving him the benefit of any compasion because he's an idiot for doing it and I'm being his best friend at the moment by not spinning him into a cycle. I've told him he needs to see a doctor - he should heed my advice.

That woman on the right :eek:

cheets64 said:

That woman on the right :eek:
I'm not normally picky with spelling but in this case it completely changes the meaning. Meths usually refers to methylated spirits which is something completely different and infinitely more harmful :)

I agree, the woman on the right is horrible looking and it's sad that it's happened to her. The truth is though that it's not the meth that does that to her, it's the perpetual lack of sleep and proper nutrition (probably) that comes with an addiction to any stimulant. Don't get addicted people! :(
Oliver said:
I'm not normally picky with spelling but in this case it completely changes the meaning. Meths usually refers to methylated spirits which is something completely different and infinitely more harmful :)

I agree, the woman on the right is horrible looking and it's sad that it's happened to her. The truth is though that it's not the meth that does that to her, it's the perpetual lack of sleep and proper nutrition (probably) that comes with an addiction to any stimulant. Don't get addicted people! :(

Addiction is a drug, 3 pointer.
Nix said:
So what was the point in posting it on here? All you're doing is annoying people. If you wanted to make a political stance, you should've done it three years ago in protests rather than now by jumping on the bandwagon.

There are Americans who use this forum aswell, there was no need for that image.

Agreed, it should be removed. :(
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