Your random pictures..

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LoL, who are you m8 and how you know Doggeh? and i killed them with a Z-10 but yeah i can be a J-10 hogger sometimes, lol

|TOP| Clan hmm.. Last time I played on your server it was full of Imature kids who cryed every time I jumped in a plane or Helicopter that one of you wanted.

I was promptly banned.

Why do you play with such a bunch of tards ? :p

EDIT : Sorry If I'm thinking of the wrong clan :)

I play with " The Experts " clan lol.. under the name =EXP= TMMTAKEN
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Oh well. For some randomness, here's my broken ankle. :(


And to balance the gore, heres some lovelies.



Not a bad ankle you got thar buddy

Remember when my mate twisted his almost 180 and a huge bubble formed

|TOP| Clan hmm.. Last time I played on your server it was full of Imature kids who cryed every time I jumped in a plane or Helicopter that one of you wanted.

I was promptly banned.

Why do you play with such a bunch of tards ? :p

EDIT : Sorry If I'm thinking of the wrong clan :)

I play with " The Experts " clan lol.. under the name =EXP= TMMTAKEN

How long ago was this? you was playing on our server i mean? i cant even remember the last time i went on |TOP| server.
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