Your random pictures..

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4th dimensional effects?:p:D

Would you rather be a cold weenie or a real hot dog? :cool:

EDIT - I have to admit I had a real hankering for a Neo-Geo when I was younger since it was the only console to truly get to an arcade standard of graphics and music (at the time), but the machine itself and the games were so freaking expensive!!
You seen how much they go for these days? :eek:

One Mother - I have been seeking one down my teen life - my credit card twitches at times when I get close to getting a good quality one.

It even twitched and spazzed when I saw a complete Vextrex with box and twenty games in a Gamestation once - I had completely justified it in my head but the missus wouldn't let me.

BAH! Women! they'll never understand.

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