Your Top 3 images of the year

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Just 3, no particular order. It doesn't necessarily need to be technically brilliant it can be your favourite but not necessarily best.

So, what are your Top 3 images you have taken this year. May be a little reason in picking them, or technical or the build up to it. :)

1. I was in the adjacent room (the marquee rood on the right) just 10 seconds earlier shooting candids when the announcement came of the dance. I rushed into position, and shot the first dance. It was the first outing I used with the 35L, it was the first time I shot the dance with 2 primes. What you can't tell is that because I had to move from the marquee to this room, I had custom set the WB when I was in the marquee and did not have time to change it for the dance. I shot it anyway, and as luck would have it, the extra blue (I made it cooler), means the outcome was pretty neutral and made the processing MUCH easier had it if i left it on Auto.


2. First wedding of 2009 - First and only time I was restricted to the back of the church for the entire service. I spent 70% of the time on the upper level, and 30% at the bottom between the aisle by the door. I noticed the boy looked back once. I pointed the camera up and waited, and waited. I remember my arms where getting pretty tired until he finally turned around again. SNAP. 1 shot. It is these moments that fuel me in the day.


3. Not a wedding shot, but I think if i go back to Rome 10 more times I would not get a shot like this again. We came out of the metro, it was drizzling a little, but the sun was setting. There were still clouds in the sky but there was an opening for the setting sun to come through. That gave the yellow colours in the colosseum, and the clouds gave it atmosphere. Due to the colosseum being a major tourist attraction, it is near impossible to get a photo of it without either someone in the photo, or some sign or fences or even near by buildings in the shot as it is pretty built up across the road! I also love the hint of rain on the right of it. This is also my very first holiday on my own, to a place that I picked, with someone that I treasure.

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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Sounds intriguing? There are a number of posters in this forum who are obviously active in photography in some way but never post much in the way of showing their work. I find all areas of photography fascinating and would be interested to see examples of work, especially commercial\photo journalism.

He could be shooting the "products" in the Ads section for the Daily Sports and that statement would still hold true. lol

I'd love to see some samples
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