Your Top 3 images of the year

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Just 3, no particular order. It doesn't necessarily need to be technically brilliant it can be your favourite but not necessarily best.

So, what are your Top 3 images you have taken this year. May be a little reason in picking them, or technical or the build up to it. :)

1. I was in the adjacent room (the marquee rood on the right) just 10 seconds earlier shooting candids when the announcement came of the dance. I rushed into position, and shot the first dance. It was the first outing I used with the 35L, it was the first time I shot the dance with 2 primes. What you can't tell is that because I had to move from the marquee to this room, I had custom set the WB when I was in the marquee and did not have time to change it for the dance. I shot it anyway, and as luck would have it, the extra blue (I made it cooler), means the outcome was pretty neutral and made the processing MUCH easier had it if i left it on Auto.


2. First wedding of 2009 - First and only time I was restricted to the back of the church for the entire service. I spent 70% of the time on the upper level, and 30% at the bottom between the aisle by the door. I noticed the boy looked back once. I pointed the camera up and waited, and waited. I remember my arms where getting pretty tired until he finally turned around again. SNAP. 1 shot. It is these moments that fuel me in the day.


3. Not a wedding shot, but I think if i go back to Rome 10 more times I would not get a shot like this again. We came out of the metro, it was drizzling a little, but the sun was setting. There were still clouds in the sky but there was an opening for the setting sun to come through. That gave the yellow colours in the colosseum, and the clouds gave it atmosphere. Due to the colosseum being a major tourist attraction, it is near impossible to get a photo of it without either someone in the photo, or some sign or fences or even near by buildings in the shot as it is pretty built up across the road! I also love the hint of rain on the right of it. This is also my very first holiday on my own, to a place that I picked, with someone that I treasure.

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16 May 2006
When an idea hits me, I always try my best to get it exactly how I envisioned it. That's why my top 3 photos are all conceptual shots which, I've successfully pulled it off as envisioned.

1. Matchstick Heaven - based on a song I've liked when I was younger. I have an idea of a pile of matchsticks with only 1 lit ones. Had another idea of all of them burnt but one, but that's an idea for another day.

2. Kill The Guy With The Ball - I've had this basketball since like forever. That drawn on face had been there just as long. Decided to make a self portrait with a twist. Too a few attempts but I got it exactly where I'd like it!

3. All Sparks Will Burn Out - possibly my favourite conceptual shot ever. Always wanted to play with wire wool and capture some sparks in some urban area. Found this brilliant tunnel just off my road and thought, why not! Definitely a success in my opinion~
1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Nice idea for a thread, this year I set myself a few tasks to build a strong portfolio. Whilst I would have liked more top notch images my top three in chronological order, newest->oldest are

1. This was taken a few weeks ago, Bracelet Bay at the end of the Mumbles in Swansea. I grew up on the Gower and it's annoyed me that I didn't really have any good strong images of my favourite coast line. I also wanted to be able to get something before Christmas so I could get it printed and framed for a gift to my Mum. This is the result.

Bracelet Bay by PaulStat, on Flickr

2. Again I didn't really have any strong autumn shots, I took this one on a walk with my little boy on the way to Clifton. I could see people with their cameras turning towards me and taking pictures in the middle of a nice line of trees, but for me it didn't really work as the gap between the trees on either side was too big. I spotted this composition quite far back, all I had to do was wait for the sun to come out and for a couple to walk past. Very pleased with the result

Autumn walk by PaulStat, on Flickr

3. Taken at the end of July a month or so after the birth of my little boy, seeing as I was awake at 4am I thought I might as well head over to the bridge to catch a sunrise (I knew the sun was to rise in the direction of the bridge), I did almost turn back before I got to this point as it was overcast and didn't look like anything was going to happen. I'm glad I didn't!

Clifton bridge is burning down by PaulStat, on Flickr



13 Dec 2004
Going back through my flickr I realise I have lots of photos, but don't have many images that stand alone. I decided going into photography that everything had to be original or personal, else someone else would already have done it better. For that reason here are a few personal ones that probably won't mean much to anyone but me.

1. The wife (over-exposed and colours would benefit from adjustment).

Xun at @Bristol by KMud, on Flickr

2. Best-man.

Alex impromptu portrait by KMud, on Flickr

3. Parents' dogs.

Wet dawgs 2 by KMud, on Flickr
18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
Here you go...

1) My very first shot ever with my 5D2 and my 24-70L


2) Perfect scenery, lovely little girl, mother bought a whopping huge canvas !


3) Don't know why, but I love this shot.


4) And I know it was the 3 best, but this one was the first shot I ever sold !




18 Oct 2002
Awesome pictures!

I really want to get into taking some proper shots, sadly my point and shoot seems to be limiting in various areas. It's not 'fast' enough, and also lacks manual controls. Yeah it takes good holiday snaps, but fancy getting into things a bit more.

Am so tempted to pickup a DSLR but the one thing that does concern me a bit is the level of processing required.

Is it possible to take 'good' shots without the need to process the hell out of them?

Now I accept I'm an idiot with this kind of thing, my late father was a photographer for many years, mostly 70s motorsport, so the thought of digitally processing stuff isn't on my radar as such lol.

So I could be way off the mark and totally wrong, if so please correct and ignore me :)
27 Jun 2007
Your title says 3 yet your post says both 3 and 5 ;)

The Wrynose Pass is a mountain pass in the Lake District which runs between the Duddon Valley and Little Langdale. There is a single-track road over the pass, which has gradients of up to 1 in 3. The road continues over Hardknott Pass and goes on to Eskdale. This is an 8 shot panoramic stitch. Incidentally, when I reached the top of Hardknott Pass, my mobile phone displayed 'R' instead of the usual '3G' or 'H' data network. I was completely perplexed by this. I then got several texts from T Mobile saying 'Welcome to the Isle of Man'?!? That is completely random to say the least.


Valentines Bridge - Bristol. One of those locations that had been on my wishlist for ages; redevelopment of the area meant it was not accesible for more than a year.

First time using a flash. (well there were a few failed attempts but got there eventually)
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Chooser of poor weather meets
25 Apr 2009
Only started around October but these are my favorite so far.


Had a school trip to Paris for the Art and Photography classes, whilst this was good as we went around sight seeing to get a few alright shots, when the artists where sketching in the gallery's (Funny story there; Went through the security checkpoint at the Musee D'Orsay and had bags checked, it was raining outside so people were in quite a rush. Camera bag was searched, all good, although I rather quickly picked it up, forgetting that it was undone! The sound that was made from my camera and 3 lens's hitting a marble floor from 5 foot up, suffice to say I crapped myself lol. Gathered up all my stuff, put it in bag, did it up and walked on, museum prohibited photography so couldn't check stuff other t-han with eye. Got outside later and checked, the sum of the damage was a crack in my 28-80mm and a scuff on the body of my camera. Both purely cosmetic, everything worked completely fine! I was lucky that day.)

But the story of the picture; we left the museum early and left the artists to do their thing, we wandered over to the Louvre area to do people spotting mainly, although with the terrible weather we weren't expecting much. Huddled up under an umbrella with 2 mates I spy this line of lamp posts, waited patiently for a few other people to move, lined up this shot.

Louvre Lamposts by Callum Sullivan, on Flickr


That night, we headed to the Eiffel Tower, the weather was still appalling and it was a case of take the shot, wipe your lens clean of water, take another shot. Got off the coach and looked up, I would have loved to get another leg in on the right, but trees obstructed the view.

Eiffel Tower by Callum Sullivan, on Flickr


A few weeks later, we had a trip up to London to catch street life. Walked around a bit, then waiting at the base of the Lloyd's building for the lights to turn on. Decided to make the most of the time we had, so got out the tripod, sat down and started thinking. Saw the cyclist pause and hoped he would remain there for the full length of the exposure, unfortunately he moved however I still quite like the ghostly result.

The Ghost Cyclist by Callum Sullivan, on Flickr
14 Apr 2004
Great idea, .... some excellent work so far

1) South Beach, Miami - A 15 - 20 second long exposure taken this year on a 3 day break in Miami. I was shooting on the beautiful South Beach after the afternoon crowds had departed and the sun went down, in between the many joggers. Really wanted to try and get some nice tones in the sky and texture in the sand with this shot, so I tried a B&W conversion and settled on this processing for the image. I used to live by the coast and realise I miss the ocean after living in London for 10 years.


2)The Dunes of Erg Chebbi, Morocco - The village of Merzouga is around 10 hours from Marrakesh and located near the dunes of Erg Chebbi, one of two Saraha sand dunes in Morroca. We ventured out on camels to stay overnight under the stars and I was lucky enough to capture this image of a lone adventurer climbing the dunes at sunset. The locals believe that these dunes were sent as punishment for turning away a weary traveller from the desert. They say that shortly thereafter, the gods made the dunes pile up outside their town as a lesson to never send away another needy wanderer.


3) I'm taking a portrait of our company CEO next week so this spot is reserved for that shot.
Planning on putting some strobist ideas into practice and getting a capturing a good piercing stare from him for our new company website.

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27 Dec 2005
Nice topic. Here goes!

1. Taken less than a month ago, but a definite favourite. Taken on the Algarve coast in Portugal during a sunset spent with my girlfriend. Shot with an S95.


2. A shot from one of my only paid jobs this year (I don't do many paid photography shoots, that's usually video work). The project was for Bath Council and I had a pretty free reign, with the only brief to document a day they'd organised to encourage playing. I just love the kids expression which summed up the day. Shot with a GF1.


3. Just love the vibrant colours in this. Can almost still taste/feel the fresh sea breeze when I look at it. Shot with my S95 again.


What's quite interesting is that before this year I used to hate taking landscapes, possibly because I'd never really took any that came out that well. However, after a few holidays and opportunities I'd definitely say landscapes are the strongest part of my gallery.
16 May 2006

That night, we headed to the Eiffel Tower, the weather was still appalling and it was a case of take the shot, wipe your lens clean of water, take another shot. Got off the coach and looked up, I would have loved to get another leg in on the right, but trees obstructed the view.

Eiffel Tower by Callum Sullivan, on Flickr
Don't know if this even matters :p

Q: Is the publishing of a photo of the Eiffel Tower permitted?
A: There are no restrictions on publishing a picture of the Tower by day. Photos taken at night when the lights are aglow are subjected to copyright laws, and fees for the right to publish must be paid to the SNTE.
19 Oct 2002
Gloucester UK
Don't know if this even matters :p

Q: Is the publishing of a photo of the Eiffel Tower permitted?
A: There are no restrictions on publishing a picture of the Tower by day. Photos taken at night when the lights are aglow are subjected to copyright laws, and fees for the right to publish must be paid to the SNTE.

Oh noes....! :eek: Better not show them this page then... :p
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