Your treadmill settings?

2 Oct 2003
I am running at 10mph for 15 minutes on the treadmill.

Is this considered fit? What speed and duration do you run? Can somebody work out my mile time please, too tired to even think :)
I'm trying to join the Royal Marines, so im upping all my targets and im pushing myself hard.

The_Judge, I take it you mean kph for your speed. (12mph)

InsomniaCalls, you must be really fit to achieve that, I do struggle to do 10mph for 15 minutes but 20 minutes is my target with no incline.
Sent an email, cleanbluesky. Wonder if you have MSN?

Bit silly actually i've only just started properly training this week. I intend to start the application in a couple of months maybe when i'm confident of my fitness. The form is all filled out and ready ;)

I believe the site you meant was ? Down for me too.

Have you started the application yet? My local AFCO is Wrexham.
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