Your worst gaming defeats/losses!

World of Warcraft : Burining Crusade

In Vanilla, we were a BWL guild. Had it on farm and we were halfway through AQ40 when the clock stopped in December 2006. So we were a successful and yet fairly casual guild. You counted as a regular if you were raiding 2 or 3 nights a week.

In 2007, the guild officers ditched the DKP system and adopted a loot council. This generated favouritism. By the time we cleared KZ, the guild became partisan and divisive with 'core' players raiding more than 3 times a week and then there were the casuals like me. Next up was Gruul's. First night we attempted it, it took us 3 tries, and we were 3rd time lucky. One of the drops was a caster sword and the loot council couldn't decide which mage or warlock to assign it to as all of the core casters already had epixxxxxxx. A few minutes of deliberating and the sword went to one of the core players. An argument broke out on Team Speak, vocal arguing plus furious typing on keyboards that was picked up by the microphones :p

2 days later, I logged back into WoW to find that I wasn't in a guild any more because the guild had disbanded! We then became 2 separate guilds, basically the core players in one and us casuals in the other. The irony was that we got further in the Burning Crusade content and would eventually clear some of the Sunwell where the other guild didn't manage to begin Sunwell.

So a kinda fail but a win at the same time :-)
Can't think of any of mine (sure there are loads though :p), so one from someone else.

Used to play warcraft, pvp only. RBGs, pvp raids, BGs, Arena, duels & gurubashi area etc. One early morning we'd finished RBGs for the day (no losses :D) & was just chatting, when someone I knew from duels asked if I'd help out in Lich King raid, as they needed one more player or it'd disband & they were desperate at that point, so I agreed, despite knowing sod all about pve. They wanted to get it done before heading to bed.

So, there we were on second attempt, pewpewing, me spamming fire mage spells etc, when it got to the part where the raid wipes the entire group. Someone had already told me this happened so I wouldn't panic hehe.

We all get ressed, get loot or wth it dropped & the mount (only thing I cared about, slightly) & I /w to the hunter cronie "gz on new mount, happy?"

Reply was "haha, maybe next time."

I was confused, asked why they didn't like the mount.

Turns out when the raid wipe thing happened, they thought we'd lost & had left to get ready to go to sleep :D

Couple days later they logged on & I'd not noticed as wass busy in BGs, until got a /w "Got the mount, didn't leave raid this time ;)".
resident evil 2 - got to the last boss fight, not realising it was the boss room i went in with 0 ammo... timer was counting down and i coudnt do anything, just ran around the room hoping ammo would spawn. Back tracked to find ammo but couldnt. never finished the game :(
Early on in EverQuest II there was only one class that could heal - no potions; no bandages.
I was not that class.

I was low level, adventuring in the open world and aggrod something big and ran away, falling off a small cliff into a river.
Not a problem, just swim for it.

The fish took exception to my presence and attacked.
That's ok. I could see the shore.

I leave the water and breathe a sigh of relief when I notice that I'm still being nibbled on.
The fish had also left the water.
I legged it.
They kept pace.
I died in a field, killed by mutant land-walking ******* fish!

This is brilliant.
Another world & that ******* beast thing!

I remember a level in Driver(I think Turkey for some reason) where I just couldn't do it and found out many years later that it's near impossible.
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