youtube hatred

30 Dec 2003
Has anyone noticed how the must innocent of video subject can turn into pages and pages of flame war comments..

Was watching a video about the British army sniper rifle

basically its turned into a USA vs UK flame war, it doesnt just stop at military hardware either ... (our country made your country blabla)

watch videos on germany cars and it turns into UK vs Europe cars

even football videos are invested with american comments like "soccer is for pusses, beckham is a fag"

I only really use it for the videos, I can't stand the comments and general bitchyness on most sites these days including e.g. the times online and bbc websites..
The comments seem to be written by completely illiterate morons 90% of the time.
The other 10% are spam messages telling you to post something or other 10 times or where to buy Viagra.
markyp23 said:
[Youtube users only]Why all the Sam83uk hate?

LMAO there it is! (sorry to anyone feeling this joke gets old, but the original thread was that funny to still make me laugh now).

btw...EPIC sig ;)
MikeHunt79 said:
is there a way of hiding comments? I know on the lethal bizzle vid they are hidden for some reason. :confused:

Comments are disabled on most Westwood videos too. I take the credit for that - I kept putting childish comments in about how embarrasing he was to the UK people, and how rubbish the so-called "music" was :p
I rarely bother reading the comments.

I once saw people warring over the Hot Fuzz trailer, somehow they had ended up in a vicious argument over WMD and oil barons. :confused:
Youtube is great for the video's, ignore the rest tbh.

Needs a few OC/UK dons to sort the place out. ;)
youtube comments are completely useless. They are never used for frank and honest discussion about the video, most often its an argument or spam.
the best one i've seen (someone posted it in motors the other day) is there was a video of a smart car and someone left a comment saying:

"Smart are crap!! Aston martin would own them 1 trillion times!!"
sam83uk said:
Has anyone noticed how the must innocent of video subject can turn into pages and pages of flame war comments..

Was watching a video about the British army sniper rifle

basically its turned into a USA vs UK flame war, it doesnt just stop at military hardware either ... (our country made your country blabla)

watch videos on germany cars and it turns into UK vs Europe cars

even football videos are invested with american comments like "soccer is for pusses, beckham is a fag"


All my videos on Youtube get idiots commenting on them, I just ignore and remove, keeps it nice and clean.
Gaygle said:
the best one i've seen (someone posted it in motors the other day) is there was a video of a smart car and someone left a comment saying:

"Smart are crap!! Aston martin would own them 1 trillion times!!"

lol i saw that, and commented it on here! was in tears! :D
Gaygle said:
the best one i've seen (someone posted it in motors the other day) is there was a video of a smart car and someone left a comment saying:

"Smart are crap!! Aston martin would own them 1 trillion times!!"
hahaha :D
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