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There are some beautiful sights in this footage, So get a drink and start watching:

Some highlights:

3:11 fjord
6.08 landing
7:10 take-off
9:20 into the sun

Enjoy :)
So why's he not an undefeated olympian?

Is it like Ken Block? He can do all the fun stuff and impress fans, but show him a WRC stage and he just can't compete.
So why's he not an undefeated olympian?

Is it like Ken Block? He can do all the fun stuff and impress fans, but show him a WRC stage and he just can't compete.

I think he's not doing quite the same thing as an olympic archer. They're shooting at a point in a larger static area at a much greater distance using a significantly different bow.

So I think he'd have to retrain for it. Granted, it's not that different, but at this level there's very little between the performance of the world champion and someone who might win a bronze sometimes. For example, Bruny Surin is ~2.5% slower over 100m than Usain Bolt. 2.5% between one of the most famous people in the world and...what was his name again? I've never heard of him - I just looked up some timings. Right now, Byron Fergusson is top of his field and making lots of money from it. If he switched to something different, even just slightly different, well, maybe he'd be the Bruny Surin of archery.
Right now, Byron Fergusson is top of his field and making lots of money from it. If he switched to something different, even just slightly different, well, maybe he'd be the Bruny Surin of archery.

What field is he at the top of?

If he did compete in on an international platform, then he'd could show he was the best in the world. It's not like he'd have to stop what he was doing - you can shoot archery at an amatuer level easily enough and know where you'd sit at an olympic tournament - if he wasn't capable of doing it, then no one would know different.

Perhaps he has tried it and knows the result?

It's a different matter when it's a live event.

The Byron Ferguson Show - start at 23:38

It took him 3 attempts to glance a ping-pong ball (not even sure he did hit it - looks more like the turbulence drifted the ball away), so I think the him hitting the aspirin tablet (outdoors, with wind) in the first take was ********.
So was at SW4 on Saturday and having listened to Armin's latest album Intense for a month or so before hand, I was never really feeling it. It just didn't seem to compare to Mirage. But crazily, and this has only ever happened to me with Muse before, the set just changed my whole outlook on the album

This tune just blows me away now, it's just got a really nice 'feel good' vibe to it. Crank the volume up.

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