also Snail v Earthworm
Unusual bike crash
Double Drop!!! \\O
John Major did have the decency of going on to win an election though and not completely wrecking the country in the meanwhile.
?"I get people coming to my constituency surgery saying exactly that: We waited before we got married until we could afford it, we waited till we could afford to have children, we waited and then we managed to get a house and I see someone down the road do none of those responsible things and they get put up in a council house, they have as many children as they want."
That's disengenious, it's all owned by various housing associations like many so called council houses are up and down the country. Joe bloggs would still refer to them as council houses.David Cameron is even worse, just for your information. Brown doesn't lie like this either:
Cameron's constituency hasn't had council housing since 2001. Keep voting Tory, GOOD JOB!