*** Youtube/Video thread ***

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Shut the internet down! After you've watched this you won't need to watch another YouTube video ever again!

:cool: :cool:

Shut the internet down! After you've watched this you won't need to watch another YouTube video ever again!

bohemian rhapsody.flv

not really my kinda thing.

heavy metal electric guitars + slightly operatic female voice is far more to my liking:

or just the guitars:

however, i know there is not a single music video on earth that will be to everyones liking
I wonder if he could magic up a generic video thread?

Yeah, saw this guy for the first time the other night.

It's either a massive con, i.e everyone is in on the act
or, the guys an extra from the X Men

Funnily enough, after watching the program, we starting discussing David Icke & reptiles

Enough said:)
I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm more impressed with magic that isn't so bombastic. I have seen an amazing three cup version of this trick in front of my face and it just blew me away:

Much better than "watch my face turn.... into a jumbo jet"

*transforms infront of an amazed crowed into a boeing 747*
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