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I've done similar I my boy, playing football and not aiming for his face but caught him right on the nose. Those are light balls that move around in the air like mad, to actually aim for that would take some serious skill.

Funny though :D
Good kick, appalling parent.

Should be a test before people are allowed to take children home from the hospital, probably involving that video to decide if it is funny or stupid.

This. A thousand times this.

Shenanigans like this make Josef Fritzle look like dad of the year.
Wow lots of idiots in here.

There's a million videos on youtube of stuff ups like this. Accident nothing more. Not even worthy of a thread. Should be stuck in youtube thread as a little amusement video.
Shenanigans like this make Josef Fritzle look like dad of the year.

Dad kicks ball in sons face unintentionally.

Dad locks his daughter up in a basement for decades, rapes her regularly and fathers kids with her.

Yep, you're right, this monster makes Fritzle look almost saintly.
what an idiot... maybe he didnt intend to hit the child but he took no precautions to make sure he wouldnt

Not sure if serious?

I've done similar I my boy, playing football and not aiming for his face but caught him right on the nose. Those are light balls that move around in the air like mad, to actually aim for that would take some serious skill.

Funny though :D

My lad likes football (I blame my dad who used to play for my hometowns team back in the 60's) and I've punted the ball at his face. Once I confirmed he was OK I was in stitches. That'll teach him for playing football with dad who really sucks at football!
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