*** Youtube/Video thread ***

I actually found watching that quite mesmerising. The video mentioned the ticker pieces of ice were harder than concrete. God knows what the front of that ship would look like after ploughing through all that ice.

I would *think* that it wouldn't take much damage tbh, after all that's what they are built for. I'd be interested to know how this works, if the shield has removable armour or what and how often it gets replaced. Be a bit awkward if an ice breaker suddenly broke it's nose in the middle of the Antarctic :p
technical ability is amazing, no where to hide here,

Bought all 3 EP's and the 3 singles offa Itunes this afterenoon. Really enjoying those and the Shields EP and album at the moment. Shields are a good band from the North East if you havnt heard them before. I would recommend the Kaleidoscope EP :)
McDonalds Monopoly Advert... bugging me

I don't know why but its bugging me. Who is this girl in the ad? She seems a very unusual choice, or am I not down with the kids and dont recognise her for being famous somehow?

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