*** Youtube/Video thread ***

Not the first time I seen a cop shoot through his windscreen, seems to happen a lot.

But did you guys notice the pattern of the shots through his window? All over the place, I bet a lot of the shots even missed and went over the car. Just goes to show how inaccurate pistols are.

Anyway, this guy and his channel is great, his video is spot on.

Since the YT Android app has been updated it won't let you move to a specific time by press on the timeline by pressing, maybe it's a setting, a simple thing or could be that YouTube want you to watch the whole video?

Very annoying if so, anyone notice this.
Listen to this:

Then listen to this:

Essentially the same song. The music for Sonic 3, unofficially written by Michael Jackson, and his team, is filled with many interesting similarities to existing pop songs.

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