*** Youtube/Video thread ***

This guy's channel is great - travels around India and the former Soviet Union, visits places most travel bloggers wouldn't go, speaks fluent Russian and Hindi.

Travels to a remote part of Russia near Mongolia to meet some Tuva throat singers... gets invited to a local school because they've pretty much never met a westerner before.

(Incidentally lots of ethnic Russians moved away from this area a few decades ago when some of the people ethnically local to the area formed an independence movement and started killing them!)

This guy's channel is great - travels around India and the former Soviet Union, visits places most travel bloggers wouldn't go, speaks fluent Russian and Hindi.

Just found him recently too. His travels throughout the ex-soviet union are fascinating. Intelligent chap.
Super interesting and very well explained video about airflow on F1 cars...

That was interesting. I wonder how these people think of the ever-changing regulations. On the one hand, the regulations hinder them and force them to make less effective cars and then the changes undue their work. On the other hand, the regulations and the changes to them force them to find new solutions and I imagine that finding new solutions is appealing to them.

Of course, it raises the question of what they could do without the aero regulations. Formula Group B, in a sense :) Would we have downright farcical levels of downforce and a situation in which the limiting factor on cornering speed is human physiology? F1 cornering is pretty hard on drivers as it is.
Super interesting and very well explained video about airflow on F1 cars...

Very interesting video, but, IMHO, they should just ditch all the rules and regulations on car design, aero. and downforce and just let the engineers/designers loose. As much as I hate all the rules in F1, they could keep the rules surrounding engine size, power and safety issues to keep it fair but just let them go crazy on design and aero.
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