*** Youtube/Video thread ***

I'm not a fan. I saw a guy kick a ball in a goal...?

Wasn't not worth it.

"Was* not worth it?" did you mean?

If so, I think you missed what happened, maybe not, but if you watch it again watch closely to how he kicks the ball, it's a very unconventional way of scoring a goal and has caused a bit of a storm in the media. This image might help.

Notice it's his left foot striking the ball from behind his right foot.
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Pretty conflicted about that prank. As far as pranks go it's well orchestrated. However, he is going to get shot/run over/attacked by someone and deservedly so.

I just feel for the poor sod who does kill him.

Seriously :confused:

EVERYONE in that video were in on it, clever way to make some easy youtube money but 100% fake/staged imho.
This is pretty cool :p even if you don't like golf

Accuracy on some of the shots especially the 300 yard
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