Z-5500 Connection problem

9 Mar 2007
Ok, so i've had my z-5500s for 4 years or so now, and a problem has emerged. I moved it into my new flat, fired it up only to notice a much louder than usual humming coming from the sub. I assumed this was just the normal hum, it just sounded louder in the new flat or something along those lines, so persevered. After a while it began to bug me, so i went and tinkered with the cables connecting to the sub. When i touched the VGA-like connector between the control panel and the sub it let off a very loud thumping noise, and the humming decreased. After tinkering i have found that the connector is infact loose, even if i screw it in REALLY right it can still wiggle and will continue to hum. If i hold the connector in place i can reduce the hum to near nothing, but as soon as i let go it returns. I've seen complaints of this on other forums, but no real mention of a solution, i love my z-5500s and really don't want to get rid of em, but they're unusable as they are.

Any suggestions as to how to fix this? Has anyone had the same problems in the past?
it's funny you should post that as my z5500 has gone **** up tonight, my unit is almost 3 yrs old.

started getting a lot of crackling/hissing recently...a lot more than normal anyway and now i just get a barrage of it before i lose sound completely. i removed the vga plug from the sub woofer just earlier and it let off an almighty thumping noise like you described, felt like an electrical shock and scared the beans outta me. :mad:

according to the link below they should replace the control unit if you have the receipt, which is where the problem is coming from i should think, sent them a mail just minutes ago.

Haha, My Z5500's broke yesterday, i've had 3 sets of Z-680's all bar my latest set broke, i'm not on my second set of Z5500's and these have just blown up.

They won't power up now, its not the fuse in the plug / power lead / fuse in the amp.

All of my sets seem to die the same way and they have all been running through a UPS.

Great speakers when they work but man they love to break!
This was my first thought however it doesn't seem to be the case, its a £300 APC UPS so not some cheap poop, i've run the self diag and the voltage regulation is fine, nothing else has blown up on it, this includes things like 360's / 1080P LCD's / my gaming rig / server / switches / router / phone charging / keyboard & mouse charging etc.

It could be the Logitech speakers are very sensitive to voltage changes but this should be better than running through the mains.
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Cheers for that, looks like this even applies outside of our warranties which is nice, now i just need to find that damn receipt. I'd be willing to say i've lost it.

i sure hope so, sending them back final details and invoice copy right now so i'll keep this thread updated when i find out.
Just rang them, had to upload a image of the invoice (just re-downloaded it from the site i purchased it from) and now they're sending me out a new set which is... surprising. Really fantastic service considering its 2 years out of warranty.
Let us know how you get along. It was totally pain free for me, i can't see any reason why anyone suffering the same issue will have a problem getting em replaced.
the problem I have is the 'left' speaker has popped and gone silent for ages.. (since i had them), now it makes no noise at all (no output), it's the speaker port (or control unit) at fault, not the actual speaker

had the same problem in 4 houses, with multiple soundcards and all connection types
Just rang them, had to upload a image of the invoice (just re-downloaded it from the site i purchased it from) and now they're sending me out a new set which is... surprising. Really fantastic service considering its 2 years out of warranty.

i just received an email from logitech support - and like yourself i am receiving a brand new set....woohoo!!

i've heard they were good with support but this is pretty amazing, my unit is 1 year out of warranty and i expected a new control unit not a complete new unit - i'm not going to complain :)
strange... Ive been having a louder then normal HUMMMMM come from the sub as well...
better start finding my reciept and guarantee!

fixed mine... unplugged the COAX cable which currently had no input? just means i have to plug it in when i want to watch a DVD
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