zalman 9500 temps

29 Oct 2005
UPDATE: zalman 9500 temps

Hi I have an opteron 146 currently at 2.5ghz and a zalman 9500 on full. I only have a few case fans but am getting more however temps do not change with the side panel off.

Idle: 40-42
Load: 48-50 degrees celcius

Now to me these seem quite high, and so I touched the top of the heatsink base while my computer read 40 degrees and it didn't seem hot at all. It felt the same temp as the outside of my case. Do you guys think my motherboard temp diode is giving these an incorrect reading, and if so by how much? Im waiting on an infrared thermometer so I can see what temperature my cpu is actually at, but until that comes I just want to make sure it isn't actually running this hot.

I put some arctic silver on it, and lifted up the heatsink to make sure good contact was made, and it was. I have used enough arctic silver to create a shape slightly larger than a 10p in the middle of the IHS after the heatsink has been attached. Which is the amount suggested by the arctic silver application guide (about a grain of rice size).

Any input is greatly appreciated,


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so many reviews say they aren't normal though. Normal seems to be around 30 stock, and mine was 35 idle stock and 46 idle load. Some of these are with pentiums which run hot - my temps really should be this high and also when touching the top of the base it isn't hot which it would be at 42 degrees!

Also my athlon 2600+ ran at about 34 degrees idle with an arctic cooling heatsink and fan.
"I got the 9500 about a month ago. It keeps my AMD 64 X2 4400 clocked to 2.4 at around 30-33C idle, and 41-44C under load." (remove the space between the "-" and the "clockers")
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well I have just taken delivery of a pci exhaust fan which I will put next to my graphics card (which idles at 50 degrees so maybe that is contributing a bit), also 2 vantec tornadoes to get some airflow :) Im gonna put two behind the zalman - should speed things up in there a bit!

This is the reading off the bios (before I upgraded to easybios, msi bios was saying 43 degrees idle), and speedfan, and everest, and mbm5. They all say the same. Will try with an office fan pointing at the side - sounds like fun. But hopefully the extra case fans will make it nice and cool.

Cheers for the input

lol these tornadoes are LOUD however it has appeared to drop the temps slightly, 33 idle 46 load. This is obviously better however I want even cooler!! I now have a small exhaust fan removing hot air from my gfx card. Any other ideas?


i have 3 akasa silent at the front, 1 on the side (over the zalman), 1 pci exhaust fan next to graphics card, hiper psu fans, and 2 vantec tornadoes at the back behind the zalman.
there are hardly any wires in the way, the air flow seems to be almost totally unobstructed (only my round ide cables in the way). With the tornadoes the temps are 33 idle, 46 load. Not sure what case temps are like as i don't have a thermometer or diode in there, however im cold and im next to my computer (bloody loud - had to order a fan controller!!) MSI mobo temp3 says 29 degrees - but i think that is the north/south bridge.
yep well thanks for all your help guys, I might try and redo the thermal paste one day, but for now it looks good and i'll start OCing a bit more.

Thanks again

yeah same!! the tornadoes are 50db each plus the 4 akasas and the zalman - damnnnnn - you can hear it from downstairs!!! I want my load temps to be lower :( though, but we'll see how much they increase when I put this opteron up a few hundred mhz.
yeah i won't venture into water cooling until i can afford a good setup.

could my side intake fan over the zalman be messing up the airflow? ( see above posts for picture of my case) this intake blows onto the zalman intake - could be bad. i might try taking this off - you guys reckon i'd notice any difference?

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ok it raises the temp a little. So the side intake is doing its job, can't wait until i get my thermometer so i can check the actual chip temperature!!

i was thinking of measuring the base of the heatsink, will this give me a pretty good reading?


ok just put the vantec tornado on the side and temps are the same 34 idle, load 46. argh i really want to know what is wrong. and why won't my bloody thermometer arrive!!! i hope it is adding 7 degrees or so to the actual temp.

help please :(


yeah it could be, which is a shame. however speedfan says 32 idle atm, however it is a cold boot so i dunno. i really hope it is an error in the readings as i want to push mine further.

well mine is only at 2.5, im just hoping that when i push it up a bit temps don't move much!

p.s if you ever have a go with removing the ihs make sure to let me know how it went!!
those are my thoughts exactly!! not risking £150 no way!! temps aren't too bad i suppose, i'll reseat my HSF one day and actually get my damned thermometer so i can see what is going on. i'll report back with real temps one day!!

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