
Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
I watch footage of the cholera epidemic there. I watch rubbish and raw sewerage in the streets. I watch people pulling dirty water out of the ground to stay alive. I watch the death toll rise for what is an entirely preventable disease and I watch Robert Mugabe say that it is under control.

I tend to switch off to bad things in the world where I can but I don't half get wound up on this one. Iraq is invaded to promote freedom and democracy ( not oil then ) while democratic leanings are stamped on by one of the most corrupt and morally bankrupt regimes in modern times.

If there was ever a case for military intervention then surely this is it ?

Thoughts ?
I've already outlined why I think Africa should sort itself out in numerous other threads. As long as they're happy to sit back with all the corruption, genocide, disease and crime that goes on in that Continent without doing anything about it themselves then they can go for the proverbial long walk off a short pier. After all, it's not like the money isn't there, is it?

What can an impoverished populace do in Zombabwe to make a difference without outside help ?

A largely uneducated, peasant population that will be executed in a heartbeat if they rise to try to overthrow the regime there.

I suspect quite strongly that a mother who has just buried her infant child from starvation or preventable disease id far from happy with the state.
Rhodesia and South Africa only prospered because of white rule. Both countries have declined under black majority rule, especially Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).

Can anyone show me a country in Africa that has prospered under black majority rule?

In terms of South Africa, do you mean colonial white rule or under the Apartheid era ?

I ask because in terms of the latter, did South Africa ever really prosper ?

Either way, people should not die of cholera in the 21st Century.
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