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This is such sad news. After following the original thread regarding Zoltan's cancer I, as im sure is the same with many of us, am quite upset to hear that he has passed away.

My thoughts are with his family...

Rest in peace, dear boy, rest in peace.
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I posted back on page 2 of this thread and have just been refreshing every now and again to read everyones messages.

When i think about this thread and the collection thread i cant help but be impressed by how this forum of people who have mostly never met can come together out of respect for someone like Zoltan - who is a true inspiration.

Restores my faith in people a little.
I'm so sorry. His passing is a great loss to all whom his life touched. He was a true inspiration to us, even those of us who never got the chance to meet him in person. My thoughts are with his friends and family.
Originally posted by Otacon
I posted back on page 2 of this thread and have just been refreshing every now and again to read everyones messages.

When i think about this thread and the collection thread i cant help but be impressed by how this forum of people who have mostly never met can come together out of respect for someone like Zoltan - who is a true inspiration.

Restores my faith in people a little.

Too true.

I think a lot of the people here either knew zoltan personally, from the forums or like myself read of his story and were touched by his bravery.

I know how it feels to lose someone close as i have gone through this twice with losing family members to cancer. They have my thoughts through this difficult time.

Oh my God, It was yesterday I was reading about Zoltans illness. I had no idea he passed away, :( ...Even though I didnt know him or even spoke to him in the forums, I had tears in my eyes reading this thread..
It so sad..

Rest in Peace Zoltan:(
I wish I couldve known you
gjrc - that's exactly the one I was thinking of.

I another one who was shocked when reading the first post... may you (Zoltan's_Dad) and all your family find strength and comfort. Thank you, Zoltan, for blessing us with your time. ;)

Rest in peace, Zoltan. :(
Oh my goodness. I didn't realise, I didn't even know until I read this, I'm very sorry, I offer my sincerest condolences to anyone this sudden death has affected.

I still can't believe this. Jesus Christ, there was me thinking he had longer :( Although I may not have personally known Darren that wasn't to say we weren't touched by his zest for life when it was so hard for him.
Originally posted by bandit
you know i saw the thread title and poster, an i didn;t dare open this thread.

i knew what i was going to see and i just didn;t want to look..:(

my mother passed away from cancer, and i know that whilst there is grief, there is relief too, knowing that he is not in pain anymore.

It also helps to know that there is a place where he will be remembered. The OCUK forums was a place where he was welcome, appreciated and loved. we all wished the best for him, but sometimes wishing just ain't enough. :(

he will be greatly missed.

best regards and wishes on this sad occasion

well that is funny (about not opening the thread), i am not sure why, but i didnt open the thread myself until like i was about to log off from the PC, :(

you know swansea thing is such a good idea, atleast you get to see other people who may not be there the next time :( life is indeed so short, like i said before i didnt personally know him but it has still affected me very very much!

can you please (someone/anyone) post his pic? and or post a little about his life? that would be good

again at such a young age, it makes me think about how precious life is and how sad that a person didnt get to see his son (i mean u know what i mean like in future and stuff) etc :(
Bye bye Zoltan, I wish you could have stayed longer. :(

Thank you to Zoltan's family for taking the time to keep us informed of Zoltan's condition at this difficult time. I'm sure everyone on the board apricates it greatly.
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