ZZZAC: Project... super budgett!

28 Dec 2010
well, in about 4 hours im getting 4 pc's a 17" flatscreen a 19" flatscreen a gigbyte switch.
I will be reselling 3 pc's and probably both monitors
But i will be fusing all the best bits of all 4 to make a pc that can run minecraft and other games at less demanding settings
The glory of it is the whole lot's only costing me £60

Possible spec

case: nzxt lexa (chrome front) or Thermaltake kandalf (not the lcs version)

Cpu: dual core of some description, or maybe a quad if im lucky

Ram: should be at least 2gb wiill be ddr2

GPU's: either 7800gt sli (very power demanding)or something hopefully newer

psu: as cheep rubish cases are coupled with rubish psu's i have a feeling that he is going to have good psu's as he has 2 nice casesngry)

and it will all be run into my 17" widescreen sony
this will be mainly for friends, as when the come over we can never play anything together (sounds childish i know) and its also useful to have a second system for when mines in pieces :L
but for a budget of £60 and after reselling the rest of the pc's im still making a mad profit
you cant argue with that
will be uploaded later (not good quality as ive only got my phone atm)
and i will also decide on the specs
This is going to be a very quick project and should be finished by tommorow (but may be upgraded to a gtx 280 sometime)
Every ZZZAC thread is pure quality. I'm definitely subbing to this :D

But, like all others, I am actually confused at what you're trying to do.
Every ZZZAC thread is pure quality. I'm definitely subbing to this :D

But, like all others, I am actually confused at what you're trying to do.

may not have explained it clearly enough, im trying to build a build of that spec, that costs me £60, or even earns me money as its part of a joblot :D and im reselling allot of it

as for getting started i will do photos in the evening , the pc's still have not been picked up (will be at about 3pm)

Votes on witch case i should keep
im swaying towards the nzxt as ill have more of a chance of fitting that on my second desk :D
If it's these two I'd go for the lexa


Are all parts working or are they a buncxh of untested stuff?

someone doesnt have room for them
4 pc's
had there hard drives removed
i can only assume, but its not from a dodgey seller (never sold a pc on ebay before) so there probably alright
and anyway if things go bad ive got a buyer opf one of the cases for £30 so... :D ill still hopefully earn as much as a spent and come out with a pc :cool:
definitely the lexa, you should think of spraying the interior black imo

yeah, sounds like a good idea
plans are after Christmas im upgrading my own rig so it may have my x3 and an older siereis gpu like a 280 or 4890 :)
as for the untested bit ive done a job lot of 8 recently, all office sorta spec (pentium ht) 3 had bad mobo's the rest where fine
came with 7 flat screens (kept 4) and 2 laser printers (still got both as i haven't advertised yet)

But i earnt over 4x the £50 i paid for the lot :p

also like the lexa because of the build in dig temp monitor at the top front and the trim around the lock on the side pannel
Are you making Omnis?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans will get this

i may know weather i am or not if i new what it was :D
oh and guys this is the first of severall proects
project lakeway (new year friend £800 budget)
an upgrade project for another friend
my own build (no idea what to do yet)
and probably a rebuild of this with a better spec
sounds promising :p

cant be too certain with a thread from me :D
but i have a good feeling about this
at least it cant go as badly as my x6 build that halfed in cores and double in cost
and is now borderline ******
great that i need a new mobo and ram
making me want a new cpu aswell
and maybe even to go Intel
i may know weather i am or not if i new what it was :D
oh and guys this is the first of severall proects
project lakeway (new year friend £800 budget)
an upgrade project for another friend
my own build (no idea what to do yet)
and probably a rebuild of this with a better spec

Omnis was a supercomputer from the original cartoon
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