So here it is
after getting the motherboards to post this is what i was left with
and yes, that is a thermaltake water block you're seeing (only the block was installed)
i didnt take much pictures as i started
yet when id got the motehroabrds to post it was time to get things done
first of all i replaced the psu fan in a cooler master 650watt psu as the one in it was..... dead, after all i knew a bright green fan would contrast the black shell
the motherbaord goes into the lexa
followed by the power supply
to break this up i have this one picture to give you an idea of the condition that i received the job lot in
here is the wifi card for the newwer asus board
it would be bad enough if that was mud
its not
its rust....

still go the board to post somehow
skips a bit
fully built with a poor excuse of cable management
installing windows 7
after this point i was very happy and certain that it was going to work
ten minutes after it was finished i installed my wifi card after a power down (admitadley heard a pop before the power down) pressed the on switch and got a couple fans for a sec, meaning there's a short somewhere
took it down to the motherboard, and still the same problem
took the 4 pin power cord out
no more short
hmmmmmm dead mosphet me thinks...
anyway its a shame but its to be expected from components that where muddy and got rusty

so that's the end of that build until after Christmas where ill get a cheep am2 mobo and probably sell it on in a different case
giving me the money to upgrade my rig and put my old components in the lexa
EDIT: and yes, i know the pictures are terrible and my rooms a mess
next part 2