What time does you post come?

Whenever the postman stops striking, drinking or doing whatever else it is that he does instead of delivering my mail

Which means one day it might be sometime before noon, another day at 3pm, another day at 5pm, and have had it as late as 7 or 8pm

Hooray for Royal Fail
had my post @ 6pm the otherday... it varies massivly recently i think i have seen about 10 diffrent postmen on my road alone
If someone starts at 1015 and you are at the end of the walk then you will not get it most days until around 1.30pm to 2pm

Most people don't have vans, that's mostly the drivers who are out doing parcels and special deliveries that posties will not make before 1pm.

A lot of times when people get mail delivered at times like 6pm is because (up here at least) a person has already delivered one round and is doing another to cover an absence.
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If someone starts at 1015 and you are at the end of the walk then you will not get it most days until around 1.30pm to 2pm

Most people don't have vans, that's mostly the drivers who are out doing parcels and special deliveries that posties will not make before 1pm.

A lot of times when people get mail delivered at times like 6pm is because (up here at least) a person has already delivered one round and is doing another to cover an absence.

That's an important point. I get my mail and deliveries early because I live very close to the local sorting office. It's a 5 minute walk away basically.
It's just a funny way to rate your post service. You might be first on the round, you might be last. It's still the same service. They can't be everywhere at the same time

No, but some days it would be nice if they came at all.

Do you remember the days when there were two deliveries a day? Ha, imagine that...
No, but some days it would be nice if they came at all.

Do you remember the days when there were two deliveries a day? Ha, imagine that...

I'm not saying if they deliver at all. I
saying it's funny that people rate the service on what time the postman passes their house. Yes I do remember two deliveries a day
I remember getting two deliveries, one normally about 7 o'clock and the next about 11 / 11.30 ish, used to hate it as a kid!

Nothing I was waiting for would ever be there at 7 ish and the wait until 11 seemed ages :(
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