***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

29 Mar 2007
I did root and flash cyanogenmod to my Galaxy S the other day but I don't find whole experience 'easy'.

I agree, all this rooting and flashing malarkey on my Desire wasn't exactly easy. Mainly due to the lack of noob friendly guides.

I understand ics will have the option to turn off bloatware and that is a huge step forward by Google.

Cool! Do you have a source for this?
4 Jun 2009
Yeah, I use to love rooting and flashing custom ROMs etc. all the time as well, but it really does become tiring especially when you get little niggles, which means you have to re flash again etc.
10 Sep 2011
I agree, all this rooting and flashing malarkey on my Desire wasn't exactly easy. Mainly due to the lack of noob friendly guides.

Cool! Do you have a source for this?

I read it on a couple of tech sites but unfortunately I can't remember which. I would be confident that someone here could point you in the correct direction.
15 Mar 2008
Yeah, there is nothing wrong with touchwiz on the GS 2, out of the box it works great now and IMO is the best custom skin by a company yet for overall stuff followed by sense UI (if HTC implemented hardware acceleration through out the system, then sense UI would take first place)

However for me ICS easily takes first place now.

How is stock android similar to IOS? :p

Especially ICS!!!!!!! Even 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 are nothing like IOS.

If anything IOS is taking some stuff from android e.g. the notification bar.

Okay let's start with the home screen, on TouchWiz it has those little dots with the numbers in centred in the middle. That's a complete rip of iOS :p but the stock Android launcher still uses dots to inform you of what home screen you are on. I know it's not the complete copy that TouchWiz is but it is oddly familiar, why dots and not something else?

Application launcher on iOS, stock Android and TouchWiz it is just a grid of icons. For me that is fair game, how else would you logically display icons? TouchWiz takes it a step further in copying iOS by having it as a horizontally scrolling grid whereas stock Android goes with a vertical grid, playing devils advocate but perhaps Google chose a vertical grid to purposefully differentiate it slightly. At the end of the day though you can go from one phone OS to another and when you want to go an open an application at least you have a familiar setting and manner of doing it.

Yes ICS is looking less similar when you're specifically looking for stuff to compare but there is some stuff still, like on the settings screen using those buttons that act like a sliding switch. I know they're generic UI elements but why add them in now? What was wrong with the check boxes? You're going to get an obvious comparison there as iOS has being using them since it's first iteration, I can see the blog comments now "LOL IOS CLONEZ".

So for me, depending on how you are looking at it stock Android can look like quite a familiar place when compared to iOS and yes TouchWiz can look a bit more so at times. Arguably though you can say that about UI's on most devices, i.e. everything has a certain level of familiarity to do with generic UI elements. If you wanted to take this a step further you could say iOS is similar in some respects to Symbian, and thus Symbian, iOS, Android and WP7 et al are all similar in certain places :p.

Not wanting to come across as some sort of <insert OS of choice> fan boy because I'm not, all I'm trying to stress is that a lot of the UI's in use today do have a level of similarity and not because they have copied each other but rather because these things have become almost standardised/generic. So IMHO you can't really claim they are not similar :p
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15 Nov 2007
Yup, the Touchwiz launcher is a complete rip off of iOS and one of the reasons Samsung are being sued by Apple.

Personally I hate it and will not use it on principle, because if I wanted a phone that looked like an iPhone, I would buy an iPhone.
8 May 2007
Answered your own point there. 'American'.

To save further embarassment if people are using spell checker to proof their own points don't accept 'color', 'tire' or any other of their stupid spellings.

Funny stuff. Let me guess, you're one of those guys that a few hundred years ago would have been getting all hot and bothered about people ruining the English language by using stupid spellings like 'mirror' instead of 'mirrour'?

And before that you would have been whining about people using stupid French spellings like 'colour' instead of the original latin 'color'.

Our language has been influenced by foreigners since the day we first had contact with other countries. If you choose to get annoyed by such things then knock yourself out, but that's entirely on you and I'm not going to pander to your own ideas of language. I'm sure you'd probably be happier if you just got over it already.

Oh, and you can save further embarrassment by spelling 'embarrassment' correctly. :rolleyes:
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4 Jun 2009
Yeah touchwiz is really a direct copy of IOS, pretty much everyone will agree to that, even the android/GS 2/touchwiz fanboys :p The only thing that really sets them apart is the widgets on the homescreens :p

It is more pure stock android that I have troubles with seeing similar stuff to IOS, but I can see what you mean now for some of the stuff, but they are very minor things really.

But as you said, you can't really do completely different ideas like the app drawer icons unless you copy microsoft window mobiles app drawer layout :p and for the indicators as to what page you are on, yeah true that, but again there really is very little ways of doing something completely different that would look as good or be as handy as the current method although I have them turned off and just use pinch to zoom to bring all screen previews up.

Certain things like those mentioned are pretty much on every OS and everything e.g. camera is similar layout with your take pic button etc.

But when you look at both IOS and ICS overall, they really vastly look completely different but take the stock GS 2 and IOS and they overall look very similar.
29 Mar 2007
Actually yeh nevermind the source ^^^ I remember now that you can prevent that app from loading and remove it from the app drawer etc. Can you actually uninstall any app though?
15 Mar 2008
Yeah touchwiz is really a direct copy of IOS, pretty much everyone will agree to that, even the android/GS 2/touchwiz fanboys :p The only thing that really sets them apart is the widgets on the homescreens :p

It is more pure stock android that I have troubles with seeing similar stuff to IOS, but I can see what you mean now for some of the stuff, but they are very minor things really.

But as you said, you can't really do completely different ideas like the app drawer icons unless you copy microsoft window mobiles app drawer layout :p and for the indicators as to what page you are on, yeah true that, but again there really is very little ways of doing something completely different that would look as good or be as handy as the current method although I have them turned off and just use pinch to zoom to bring all screen previews up.

Certain things like those mentioned are pretty much on every OS and everything e.g. camera is similar layout with your take pic button etc.

But when you look at both IOS and ICS overall, they really vastly look completely different but take the stock GS 2 and IOS and they overall look very similar.

Oh yeah to be fair I was deliberately looking for things even vaguely similar, just like the lawyers are :p.

I agree iOS and ICS do appear different overall but their probably is still things you can nit pick and say oh that is quite similar, in fact if you stripped all the colours and fancy effects out of both I don't think personally that they would be a million miles a part from each other in terms of their form and function. As said though this isn't necessarily people copying each other, it's just generic.

For me even the WP7 application drawer isn't massively different, especially if you're trying to deliberately see similarities. Again though that's at a generic UI functional level and maybe not at a themey-look-and-feel level.

[EDIT]And I do agree that the similarities between iOS and TouchWiz are greater than between iOS and stock Android, that's why Samsung are in a bit of a pickle.
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4 Jun 2009
Oh yeah to be fair I was deliberately looking for things even vaguely similar, just like the lawyers are :p.


I agree iOS and ICS do appear different overall but their probably is still things you can nit pick and say oh that is quite similar, in fact if you stripped all the colours and fancy effects out of both I don't think personally that they would be a million miles a part from each other in terms of their form and function. As said though this isn't necessarily people copying each other, it's just generic.

For me even the WP7 application drawer isn't massively different, especially if you're trying to deliberately see similarities. Again though that's at a generic UI functional level and maybe not at a themey-look-and-feel level.

Yup pretty much agree with all that.
8 Nov 2006
Heh, I've made similarly silly mistakes before. That was a particularly unfortunate time for you do it though :)

His posts are literred with gramatikal mistakes. Its made worse by tha fact he has actualy been actively corecting them and failed to sea them.


As for the actual thread, I think I will have to see how big the phone is in my hand before buying. It does seem quite long at around a cm more than the sgs2.
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