The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

9 Aug 2011
The latest video they showed looks great especially seeing as they said it wasnt maxed. The only thing on my system that doesnt meet the reccomended specs is my processor so i hope it can do a decent job for me
16 Mar 2006
Taken from Blues News. Some of the below sound fantastic. Especially, for some reason, the beard growing!!

The Witcher 3 Day One Patch & Other Details Revealed

[09:37 am ET] - Share - 73 Comments

A post on NeoGAF translates a whole bunch of information on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt found in an article on CD Projekt RED's upcoming RPG sequel in German magazine Gamestar (thanks DSoGaming). The author of the preview spent two days playing the game, and they translate his reaction thusly: "My two days with Geralt were one of the most beautiful, most exciting and overwhelming experiences I have experienced in my 33 years gaming life." Included is word that the game will get a day one patch and that playing the game with a controller felt superior to playing with a mouse and keyboard. The new information is conveniently arranged in bullets:

•There are 4 difficulties (easy, medium, hard and dark) which differ in the skill of the monsters you face. Hitpoints remain the same.
•You can bargain for more money after finishing your monster contract through some sort of minigame.
•The side quests are extremely well made with great writing and branching.
•Potions are a necessity on higher difficulty levels. You only need to craft a potion once and you can refill it if you have enough alcohol present. Potions are upgradeable for stronger effects. Stronger potions will increase your toxicity more
•Novigrad and No Man's Land are indeed one single map, much bigger than Skyrim. The isles of Skellige form the other big part of the game. Next to that, there are 5-6 other separated locations, including Kaer Morhen.
•No enemy respawning or at the least not very frequently
•Best items in the game must be crafted
•They were very impressed with the story branching and how it is not always obvious. Correcting 'wrong' choices by saving/reloading will be very difficult if not impossible.
•Contrary to BioWare games dialogue options are not good or bad, this you will have to figure out for yourselves.
•They really liked the in-game card game Gwent, praising its design.
•The game features two really big cities: Novigrad and Oxenfurt, both very lively.
•The are of No Man's Land features 25 smaller towns, some of which are the size of Flotsam from The Witcher 2.
•Geralt can rob people, although the system is too easy and feels a bit lacking.
•Journalist (level 7) was one shotted by a wyvern (level 24). No level scaling.
•Ciri sequences will be (in total) 5-10h and feel more like an action-adventure game than an RPG
•Extra storage can be made by crafting saddle bags for your horse.
•Many small details such as Roach stopping to eat apples from a basket
•All equipped items are visible in-game on Geralt
•Fist-fighting is back, this time no QTE
•World never felt empty
•Journalist didn't encounter any simple fetch quests

•The HUD is fully customizable. Icons and quest markers on the map can also be deactivated. Audiovisual hints (e.g. people screaming for help) will be present if you wish to do so.
•Journalist encountered no clone NPC's
•Controller feels superior to keyboard+mouse.
•The extremely annoying doors from The Witcher 2 are gone. Doors are now opened automatically, no button pressing. No loading times for entering buildings either.
•Day 1 patch confirmed
•Xbox One resolution will stay at 900p
•Geralts beard will grow over time
•Switching between controller and mouse (for menu's) is easy and fluid
•Most impressive dynamic weather system in any game he has ever played
•They encountered very few bugs, no crashes of freezes.
•Ultra seems to have a big effect on the quality of vegetation and character models[
•No slider for LOD
•Visual gore more prominent than in The Witcher 2
12 Jan 2010
The way the Witcher 2 was going, if the combat's just an evolution of that, I don't think the controller thing is necessarily that big a deal. It can still be a complex/fun system and if it's rolling etc. I'd probably expect it to feel better on a controller. Hopefully the game is still great on kb/m too though.
9 Jan 2011
I do still wonder how they are going to keep such a big game fresh for the entire time you play it considering all the limitations the series has. I think they will stop the game from becoming as big a success as it could be, or as much as Skyrim for example.
25 Dec 2014
Charlotte, NC
New PC screens.... doesn't show the environment so no telling but supposedly these are still only *high* settings. Not too bad (oh and the map)




24 Jan 2014
Somewhere to pre-order it at good price? I think it´s an incredible game, through the videos I've seen ... even Geralt´s beard will grow T_T
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