**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

3 Oct 2022
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As imtoooldforthis said maybe it's internet problem then? I had drops in FPS when I had poor connection.

What's your Objects LOD? Apparently higher is better, as one of comments under fps videos says:

One small note to the Object LOD: This setting can have a huge effect on approaching big airports. This setting basically does not change the number of the objects, but rather the distance, at which the LOD quality of the objects will change, meaning at which distance they appear and get more detailed.

The issue here is often NOT, that it has an impact on the render performance, but rather overloads your hardware I/O. If the setting is set too low, detailed objects will get loaded pretty late. When having for example a big airport with a lot of ground vehicles, small building, fences etc. this can have a very bad effect on your FPS on approach, not because your graphic card has not enough power to render them, but because a very high number of those objects are loaded simultaneously at a pretty crucial state of the flight. That's why many people, that get very good frames all around the whole flight, experience extreme frame losses on short final or on landing: their CPU can't handle the sheer amount of all the data, that needs be loaded in a very very short time. Once all is loaded, the FPS are fine again as the CPU is free for the "normal" calculations and the GPU is probably far from limiting anyway.

So this is setting should never be too low. It's not affecting calculation/render performance too much (of course it will at some point), but is does massively affect I/O performance, even with newer hardware. And if the CPU is busy loading all those small little details, it is basically clogged, so you see the big FPS loss, until everything is in place and the CPU has again time to send your calculations through. Therefore it is often better to have higher setting, that may lead to lower overall FPS, but won't kill your FPS during approach.

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14 Jul 2005
Hi all been continuing to tweak graphics settings for msfs in vr with my quest 2 and 3070.

It's working pretty well now Im just not sure how to use a combo of DLSS or FSR across the native msfs software or via openxr, because both of those pieces of software have upscaling settings. Can anyone help with this?
9 Oct 2013
Looks like it's a new game not update\DLC according to several posts on twitter, seems an odd one but does look great with the activities
27 Jan 2007
London Town
I'm convinced the marketing people are getting carried away with the 'completely new game' thing.

There's no way Asobo could stop development of FS2020 in its current state and move on to a new product, it would be a PR disaster. Equally, it doesn't seem remotely conceivable that they could manage to support two completely different titles.
18 Oct 2002
On Avsim it's been suggested that 2020 will get the quality of life improvements from any changes to the core engine in 2024 but not the new features such as included activities and aircraft, similar to the operating model of Dovetails Train Sim.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
On Avsim it's been suggested that 2020 will get the quality of life improvements from any changes to the core engine in 2024 but not the new features such as included activities and aircraft, similar to the operating model of Dovetails Train Sim.

Sounds fair. As I don't fancy dishing out their asking price again. Will skip and wait for 2028 or something.
9 May 2022
On Avsim it's been suggested that 2020 will get the quality of life improvements from any changes to the core engine in 2024 but not the new features such as included activities and aircraft, similar to the operating model of Dovetails Train Sim.

So are they suggesting 2024 will have all the features from 2020 ? Or is it specifically just for this career stuff ?

Not sure why im expecting you to have all the answers :p
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18 Oct 2002
So are they suggesting 2024 will have all the features from 2020 ? Or is it specifically just for this career stuff ?

Not sure why im expecting you to have all the answers :p
Yeah MS have got everyone guessing to whip up further interest :rolleyes: My take is that FS2020 didn’t really hold enough appeal to those who don't understand the difference between a game and a simulator and never scratched beneath the surface of what it had to offer and that MS understand that there is potentially a more lucrative casual gamer market for FS that they can cash into through adding more game style features. As with FS2020 I'm guessing there will be multiple pricing options for the new product as well as upgrade options for 2020 owners that want the new aircraft / missions / challenges. My only concern is that MS and Asobo don't stop spending resources on adding depth to the models and systems in order to focus on the fluffier aspects that appeal more to the mass market.
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2 Sep 2022
and all the disc space it will take up if its a copy of MSFS

I hardly think it will be a copy of FS2020, an evolution perhaps, but if they bring back the FSX style quality missions, not the half backed ones they promised recently, we could be on to something here. Seasons too, think positive folks, also it seem pretty much all our add-ons just now will work in new sim.

I remember when MS FS sims were updated every 2 years, and yes I realise they have promised a lot of support for FS2020 support and current road map that extends well, .... But ... but, LOL, well into the future ... But lets see before casting thoughts of buying it out of the window :)

Quite frankly I saw the franchise was going nowhere, ages ago and had given up on it. some folk love it, but if you have ever flown in real life you will soon see its limitations in lots of ways.

Perhaps FS2020 was useful though in coaxing more in non combative aviation flying, X-Box too ... but, I honestly think the franchise lost its way and perhaps MS themselves ... the bean counters told Asobo, not enough money made here, produce something new ... and make it good ... or else.

MS have cancelled FS projects before at the drop of a hat, their old trains sim too, not once but twice.

Bill Gates used to love Microsoft Flight Sim, but after he left it was not taken seriously until FS 2020 ... We shall see.
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