Red Dead Redemption 2

21 Dec 2010
It is quite incredible what Rockstar achieved with RDR2's world, I don't think ANY title comes close.

Your character for once isn't the focus of your surrounding environment as you move around. You are a part of this living world. You could use binoculars and see nature taking place from miles away (birds feeding on animals etc). The lighting engine combined with the weather system is just unmatched imo. After I come home from work, I just jump into the game (PS5) and get lost in world for about an hour or so.

The only game that comes close is Horizon world wise but that is a post apoc world ravaged by the aftermath of what machines did to it.
I've played many games and AAA titles and I keep saying that even though RDR2 was released almost 5 years ago, it is still one of if not the best looking open world game available on the PC. There isn't a single game I keep returning back to, in order to admire the beautiful game world and can we also talk about how insanely detailed the animals are for a moment, nothing comes close IMO.

Yeah I sound like a broken record I know lol...
21 Dec 2010
Ive reinstalled but wondering if i should restart a new game?
Epic launcher says i have 10 hours played but i really dont remember being far into the main story as i think most of my times was skyrim-ing it just roaming about doing random stuff.
I got distracted by other games hence why i stopped playing.
Only play it again if you are going to fully commit otherwise you'll be back to square one lol.

To be fair though, now is the worst time to play it due to the amount of quality games available on 2023.



22 Oct 2002
Melbourne, Aus
I've and RDR2 for a few years( Bought on a steam sale ages ago) and got bored on the introduction levels.. however one into the open world I was hooked, currently about mid way through chapter 6.

It it still work playing RDR2 online?
20 Oct 2002
Is there a way to play this without the crap gang and story aspects? Or is it just a case of ignoring all the quests and exploring?
The story in RDR2 is incredible, I’d say go view some reaction videos on YouTube but it’d ruin it for you. I haven’t played for instance GTA since the PS2 (?) days but it’s a lot better than the “go steal this” or “kill this guy” basic stuff.
30 Dec 2011
The story in RDR2 is incredible, I’d say go view some reaction videos on YouTube but it’d ruin it for you. I haven’t played for instance GTA since the PS2 (?) days but it’s a lot better than the “go steal this” or “kill this guy” basic stuff.

I did get to chapter 3 when I first played it and really hated the story and all the gang characters. It felt like I was playing two different games, one a detailed semi decent open world Wild West game and the other this terrible linear on rails B movie crud. Though even the open world bits were limited to what Rockstar had determined should be possible. I utterly detested every character in the gang including the guy I was forced to play as. You’re doing bounties and side quests for the town folk building your rep, then Dutch the perpetual loser says meet me in the bar. Next thing you are shooting up the town folk and people you were far more connected with than you ever feel with the “gang”.

The two utterly contrasting elements left me very underwhelmed. I just felt so much of the better open world parts were left locked behind the terrible story elements.

My problem with Rockstar games is they create a detailed world and then force you to be a **** working with other *****. So all you end up with is a limited open world loop. At least for my tastes. They always felt like I was missing some eureka moment.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
As much as I like horse riding (Witcher 3 NG was good) - RDR 2's open world and need to horse ride for ages etc got really boring which is why I left it about 24 or so hours into the game.

Also really cba installing RGSC so unless R* sack it off and can simply run it through Steam, then unlikely I can be bothered to revisit it.
4 Jul 2009
Kilham, East Yorks
As much as I like horse riding (Witcher 3 NG was good) - RDR 2's open world and need to horse ride for ages etc got really boring which is why I left it about 24 or so hours into the game.

Also really cba installing RGSC so unless R* sack it off and can simply run it through Steam, then unlikely I can be bothered to revisit it.
I'm pretty opposite tbh, I rode everywhere in RDR2 and W3, even did same in HZD but in NG+ I usually take advantage of it unless it's been awhile since I played and wanna take in the world
28 Dec 2003
Bought this over the xmas period but can't get it to run. It crashes after the 5th black and white photograph intro right at the beginning.

Installed it on two different pcs, same result. Verified the download and tried directx and vulcan drivers.

Googled the question to death. Any ideas?
9 Dec 2006
Bought this over the xmas period but can't get it to run. It crashes after the 5th black and white photograph intro right at the beginning.

Installed it on two different pcs, same result. Verified the download and tried directx and vulcan drivers.

Googled the question to death. Any ideas?
i had this and it was 2 reasons
1. duplicate overlays conflicting - steam/msi/rockstar
2. slighty unstable Overclock
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