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AM4 gets yet more CPU's

19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
I wonder if it'll run any cooler than the 5800X3D I was impressed how much cooler my 5700x was over my 5800x

Same here, I got the 5700x as it was at the limit of my desired TDP.

Eco mode on a 5800x drops the TDP and essentially turns it into a 5700x anyway. I got a great deal on a 5800x for my son's PC at Christmas, was worried as his case is fairly rubbish solid fronted rgb aerocool - activated eco mode and temperatures were absolutely fine afterwards.

(If he ever swaps cases or gets an upgrade then at least I know there is a little bit of performance left on the table that can be unlocked)
23 Mar 2005
Wouldn't it be interesting if they put out X3D chips for the lower end parts. Like 4c/8t. Would be amazing for people on a budget.
I'm not quite sure how it is going to position, but with the imminent roll out of the new CPU/GPC/AI chips it'll be interesting to see if we get a whole new platform to consider. I've been seriously considering the GeForce now route, with would mean chips with "good enough" GPUs built in suddenly become really interesting.
18 Oct 2002
New APUs looking good, torn between the 8600G and 8700G with the latter being about 10-15% faster in games. Initial consensus looks to be good CPU, great GFX but still too high an try point into AM5 when you consider a mobo and memory.
30 Jul 2012
Is this 100% I almost got my son a 5800x3d today when I got confused and thought the 5700x3d was August.

Will it be a 12 tonight think I may wait up to spot prices

It has had preorders on Amazon US and CA. It had also appeared on some European retailers, but nothing in the UK. But AMD hate the UK and if this CPU is not available to us UK customers then I will probably ban AMD from my list.

Available to buy now at a prominent US retailer.
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30 Jul 2012
Why if it performs pretty much the same as a 5800X3D while running quieter and cooler?

Anyway I suppose it remains to be seen. I'm disappointed that we didn't see any reviews today.
I will buy one for my brothers PC, it is still cheaper at the end of the day.
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