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Would you like to change your Strix OC to a Strix Gamer OC?

  • YES: I am happy to switch to the Gamer OC or none OC Strix!!

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • NO: I will wait for the Strix OC card, no matter how long it takes!!

    Votes: 52 69.3%

  • Total voters
17 Jun 2012
Gibbo explained the difference in the pre-order thread a few days ago, maybe a week.

The big difference here is the base clock speed - the speed that the card will always run as a minimum. It's significantly higher and that is what causes the issues. It might be possible that a lot of the cards can't actually maintain that speed under full load.

I still don't get it, they're advertising the base clock as 1784, what is difficult about holding that when as mentioned, most other cards will hold 2-2.1ghz :confused:
2 Dec 2006
I still don't get it, they're advertising the base clock as 1784, what is difficult about holding that when as mentioned, most other cards will hold 2-2.1ghz :confused:

Are they really holding 2ghz+ though or are they just doing that when it's nice and cool in an easy part of the game etc?

Other than that, I don't know. I'm getting really tired of this game though. The Americans are getting these cards, we just aren't.
17 Jun 2012
Just look in the 1080 owners thread, I don't see many complaints of cards not holding OCs, unless they're sticking with the ridiculously low stock fan profile on the FE cards.
16 Oct 2012
There was already enough contravercy sourrounding them delivering bios flashed cards to reviewers so the message that they arent even supporting cards shipped at those speeds doesnt look good.

As far the OCUK response goes it's a miss-direction regarding the clock speed your card ultimately runs at, the advertised "Boost Clock" is a predefined setting for the card and not the ultimate clock speed the card will run at, this cards specification is defined at the OC mode "boost clock" speeds so it should work when set at those speeds.

OCUK are meant to be supporting Asus RMAs directly and they are meant to offer a refund at market value !

Unfortunately the reality seems to be that Asus cant build more than a handfull of OC Strix and when they do build them they arent actually shipping them to OCUK. With this in mind waiting on an RMA might be a loosing proposition for you unless you can afford to wait 2 months for a replacement card. In your position i'd either take the refund or keep the card.
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27 Feb 2015
This OC mode is the default mode enabled when reviewers *cough markets reviewed the cards.

I dont understand why OCUK think they are good to take this stance, this is now all out in the public for all to see and isnt a good PR for the company. If asus told OCU they wont cover the card been faulty, then I would saay tough luck, it is faulty, end of.

The problem for the OP is I think OCUK offering the refund is enough for them to do what they legally bound to do, so if you want a new card at no extra cost, then RMA it to asus. Although there is a chance asus will tell you to send it to the retailer.
13 Jul 2012
I don't understand why Asus are struggling, when pretty much any of the FE cards and most of the other AIB cards will do 2.0-2.1ghz :confused:

This is exactly my concern, being one of those still holding on for a pre-order. I am hoping to avoid the silicon lottery by buying a premium, tested product from the start.

Call me an optimist but shouldn't I be able to rely on the card running at the boost Clock of 1936MHz pretty much indefinately - because the "exclusive DirectCU III design with Triple Patented Wing-blade Fan" is just that good??

I am starting to doubt myself because there are are a few locals jumping to ASUSs defense.
28 Oct 2011
This is exactly my concern, being one of those still holding on for a pre-order. I am hoping to avoid the silicon lottery by buying a premium, tested product from the start.

Call me an optimist but shouldn't I be able to rely on the card running at the boost Clock of 1936MHz pretty much indefinately - because the "exclusive DirectCU III design with Triple Patented Wing-blade Fan" is just that good??

I am starting to doubt myself because there are are a few locals jumping to ASUSs defense.

Of course you should.
16 Oct 2012
Just noticed that the standard 1080 Strix and the 1080 Strix Gamer have both completely dissapeared from the OCUK website leaving only the 1080 Strix OC and the two blower cards

Edit: scratch that seems like the basic strix is back, probably just ocuk messing with the stock system
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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
GX-409-AS STRIX GAMER is now in stock, it is identical to the OC card, slightly lower clocks though out of the box it is boosting to OC clocks anyway.

Call us if you wish to swap over to this card at the same price as you paid for OC.

This card is hidden online as were only allowing OC customers to get their hands on this SKU.
2 Dec 2006
If it's boosting to the same as the OC, why is the OC called an "unrealistic clock speed" in the email that was sent out? That makes no sense.

Can you be straight with us gibbo. Is this OC actually coming or is it going to be canned?
15 Feb 2016
If it's boosting to the same as the OC, why is the OC called an "unrealistic clock speed" in the email that was sent out? That makes no sense.

Can you be straight with us gibbo. Is this OC actually coming or is it going to be canned?

This is the bit that's not making me want to switch.

It makes it sound like ASUS are finding it very difficult to get GPUs which are actually able to maintain the advertised 1936MHz boost clock and hence why there is a shortage of the proper OC cards.

This also makes it seem like ASUS may be binning chips, ones which can't boost to 1936MHz simply have a different BIOS flashed on it which limits the boost clock, and ship it out in a box with the word Gamer at the end. Essentially I'd assume that the Gamer tier of the card is not going to overclock as well as the true OC version we're all waiting for. The Gamer cards may not even be able to surpass the 1936MHz using GPU boost
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27 Feb 2015
I think people would be a bit more forgiving if the alternative card was correctly priced lower.

Seems like a asus bait and switch, they manage to find a few cherry picked gpus that please gullible review sites, get good reviews then back in the real world find they cannot mass produce them.
12 May 2016
Seems like a asus bait and switch, they manage to find a few cherry picked gpus that please gullible review sites, get good reviews then back in the real world find they cannot mass produce them.

Just what I was thinking.

I've owned alotta Asus stuff in the past - MOBOs, monitors, headphones, gfx cards... this is making me very sad and making me lose respect for them. At the very least they ought to bring down the price for this Gamer card.

It all sounds so... dodgy.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
If it's boosting to the same as the OC, why is the OC called an "unrealistic clock speed" in the email that was sent out? That makes no sense.

Can you be straight with us gibbo. Is this OC actually coming or is it going to be canned?

We had 33pc of OC arrive yesterday, that puts at nearly 60 total delivered so far. The yield on the cards with 1900+ boost is very poor, Gigabyte Extreme has also being very small numbers.

But they will arrive but there is no idea when and how many, whereas the Gamer we have 200 of those and in real world the gaming FPS difference between a Gamer and an OC is within 1-2% of each other.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Not according to nvidia:

"Nvidia will sell the cards directly through its own website and won’t be allowing partners to build and sell their own variations."

I amended my post as you were quoting me. Indeed correct and it is looking like very low supply. Still no idea on price mind, but definitely have the wallet prepared. :D
5 Jul 2016
As soon as I heard the OC Strix card reviews stating that further overclocking was very limited, and that these cards are only marginally easier to obtain than hen's teeth, I said this to myself: if a better card comes along before the one I've ordered, I trade up.

Nvidia have announced the Pascal Titan X (I call it that to avoid confusion with the (Maxwell) Titan X), and say it'll be available on August 2nd. I know it'll cost an arm, leg, and one of my kidneys, but I've got this one sane chance to upgrade to a card which can manage what I need it to do.

Nvidia took an age before permitting any partners to do unnatural things to the Maxwell Titan X, and I suspect that they'll do the same with the Pascal successor.

BTW, I'm jumping from 2x Asus GTX970 Mini CU II cards which I've massively overclocked on air: gaming at 4K60p is so very close... but I don't want to reconsider SLI for a while - if I have to, that is.
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