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Would you like to change your Strix OC to a Strix Gamer OC?

  • YES: I am happy to switch to the Gamer OC or none OC Strix!!

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • NO: I will wait for the Strix OC card, no matter how long it takes!!

    Votes: 52 69.3%

  • Total voters
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Its not looking good, on a oc forum I spend time on, a few people have flashed the OC bios onto the standard asus board and had instability, suggesting the chips are not coming out good.

Here is one such person http://www.overclock.net/t/1601329/gtx-1070-1080-bios-who-has-it/280#post_25366569

This to me backs up the theory that reviewers get cherry picked cards, as odds are if they were picked randomly from stock most reviewers would have had stability issues. Or maybe asus cheated and boosted TDP limit and voltages on reviewer cards to get the clocks working.

The only bios on the net at the moment with more voltage than normal 1080 cards is a Asus OC bios. Im not sure if its been modded that way or whether is came from a reviewers 1080.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Yeah so I don't quite get why Asus can't get enough chips sorted.

I know the CEO of Zotac, as such I get a good percentage of the world wide allocation, so though they have probably not made any more volume than Asus, OcUK has pretty much had 25% of Zotac's world allocation. Whereas Asus share out stock a lot more across the world.

When your personal friends with a lot of CEO's from some of these big companies or should we say good whisky drinking buddies, it can go a long way to winning more stock. :)
2 Dec 2006
We had 33pc of OC arrive yesterday, that puts at nearly 60 total delivered so far. The yield on the cards with 1900+ boost is very poor, Gigabyte Extreme has also being very small numbers.

But they will arrive but there is no idea when and how many, whereas the Gamer we have 200 of those and in real world the gaming FPS difference between a Gamer and an OC is within 1-2% of each other.

You have at least given me the confidence that I'm not going to wait months only to have my order canned on me. I do feel that this doesn't add up at all though. OCUK staff themselves have said that most cards are hitting 1900+, yet these cards are very low yield? Is the base clock so hard to keep stable? That kinda indicates that all the other cards are clocking to below the base of this one and are unable to maintain their boosts.

I agree that it's only a few FPS difference between the cards. The difference is we paid for a better card and are being given a worse one for the same price. I think that's why so many of us aren't budging. I'd downgrade if ASUS compensated me for the difference between the two prices when I orginally bought the card.
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4 Jun 2016
I amended my post as you were quoting me. Indeed correct and it is looking like very low supply. Still no idea on price mind, but definitely have the wallet prepared. :D

Sorry! I agree, doubt they'll have many but I'm sure they'll sell through even at $1.2k.

Reluctantly switched to the Gamer Strix, despite now being 10th in queue. I have terrible luck when it comes to needing to RMA components so 100Mhz slower boost will just have to be.

This whole situation has soured me from pre-ordering any cards to be honest. I'm not happy that I didn't receive a single email through the entire 2 months, nor am I too impressed that there wasn't a single "sorry" in the one email I received yesterday. ASUS of course, has equal blame for their poor communication, especially for a multi-billion dollar company. Not being able to predict the yields from your own production line is a joke. I do think OCUK need to work on their communication off the forums though.
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17 May 2013
GX-409-AS STRIX GAMER is now in stock, it is identical to the OC card, slightly lower clocks though out of the box it is boosting to OC clocks anyway.

Call us if you wish to swap over to this card at the same price as you paid for OC.

This card is hidden online as were only allowing OC customers to get their hands on this SKU.

@rogueblade. If you've ordered a Strix OC and want to switch, give CS a call and the can switch you to the Gamer Strix as per Gibbo's post. The Gamer Strix is not on the website.
18 Oct 2012
This is the unlisted card as they are offering first refusal to people who ordered the OC to make sure you can then get the Gamer model. Not sure for how long but this is current situation.

Hope that helps
13 Jul 2012
Hello folks,

Don't know if anyone out there is still holding out for the daddy STRIX; if anyone is - i can vouch for it's quality :)

I am an ASUS fanboy, no idea why, just am - it just always works in my experience, but feel free to flame away!

My STRIX was delivered after 62 days of waiting but straight out of the box, in default profile i am getting 2050MHz clock @ 72C. I am happily running all games at 4K with max settings and FPS look good (not sure of exact figures).

Just saying this because i almost jumped, then someone gave me perky comment and i am glad they did; very happy with my card.

Stay strong gents!
18 Oct 2002
Personally I feel 2ghz is nothing but a number, even cards clocking to 1900 MHz are showing only about a frame difference between them and cards hitting 2ghz plus. Big numbers but bugger all performance difference over lower clocked cards.

Hello folks,

Don't know if anyone out there is still holding out for the daddy STRIX; if anyone is - i can vouch for it's quality :)

I am an ASUS fanboy, no idea why, just am - it just always works in my experience, but feel free to flame away!

My STRIX was delivered after 62 days of waiting but straight out of the box, in default profile i am getting 2050MHz clock @ 72C. I am happily running all games at 4K with max settings and FPS look good (not sure of exact figures).

Just saying this because i almost jumped, then someone gave me perky comment and i am glad they did; very happy with my card.

Stay strong gents!

How is fan noise at those clocks?
13 Jul 2012
Pretty quiet I would say, though it's hard for me to say for sure as I always wear headphones.

My case sits on the floor next to me, under a desk. I can't hear it unless I get under the desk, which I did do a few times to see when the fans were turning.

Sorry for a crap answer!
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