Iceland chicken is white

Snow is white because of the air between the crystals, as is Ice when frozen. If you freeze boiled water (and freeze it as soon as possible) it is completely transparent.

I thought everyone knew this? :confused:

Nope. Only those who boil a kettle and then freeze it as soon as possible.....:p

PS. How often do you do this? Is it becoming an OCD problem for you?
I know in America they have been known to wash the chicken carcasses in a solution based on Sodium Chloride or bleach. I know it was still banned in the European zone in 2008 but it looked like it would be lifted.

To be honest I only buy fresh meat that I can look at and smell.
its not white when its defrosted and tastes like chicken when cooked.
seriously it looks like proper raw chicken once its defrosted...

last time i had some im pretty sure on the packet there wasnt any added water or corn syrup
The problem with Iceland is that it's business is built around supplying processed food, frozen - there's loads of crap in it :(

Saying that, I'd bet if you compared like for like Tesco v Iceland - I'd wager on Tesco being of poorer quality. The quality of their food these days is atrocious.
ive seen people in iceland with suits you probably cant even dream of looking at in a shop.

you get all sorts going in there i know this for a fact because i live oposite one so its handy for bread , milk , sugar , eggs etc.

all the iceland branded stuff is crap yes, most people dont go in for the iceland brand items though, you get some really nice cars parked outisde it to
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