
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
If you lose racing points through no fault of your own and it was a global site outage, email a ticket to support.

Someone asked the question in the forum and basically it tough luck. I didn't read all of the thread, but basically it would mean wiping the results from all races during the outage.

When you look at the results from races you registered for, but didn't race in because the site was down, you can see that several people managed to join and race for quite a few laps. So there maybe other races that had full grids and ran the full distance.
18 Oct 2002
I don't really get why they can't just remove certain race results tbh, there have been several examples where it's clear that the connection issues caused huge, and 'unjust', swings in iRating.

But I dunno, either they can't for some reason and would need to remove all results which would kinda suck for some, or, and I'm probably being unrealistically optimistic here, they're waiting for confirmation that it's all fixed before doing anything.

On the other hand iRating really doesn't mean a thing, so overall is it that much of an issue, if it was SR then that'd be more annoying but you won't lose SR unless you have incidents so there's no risk of that, iRating can be gained easily enough.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
I suppose you could look upon it as an advantage to loose SR. If it ends up putting you in a lower split than you'd normally be in then there's more chance of a win. I suppose there's also more chance of being wiped out at the start or by a lapped car as well.
17 Dec 2010
Finally got my first race in. Came 2nd it was fairly close at the front but we went down the hill into the last corner side by side and managed to clip. I came off worse. Not too bothered though as we had good clean, close racing before that.

It was the bottom split so I guess I should expect this but the traffic was terrible. Multiple people tried to race us both.
27 Jan 2014
I don't really get why they can't just remove certain race results tbh, there have been several examples where it's clear that the connection issues caused huge, and 'unjust', swings in iRating.

But I dunno, either they can't for some reason and would need to remove all results which would kinda suck for some, or, and I'm probably being unrealistically optimistic here, they're waiting for confirmation that it's all fixed before doing anything.

On the other hand iRating really doesn't mean a thing, so overall is it that much of an issue, if it was SR then that'd be more annoying but you won't lose SR unless you have incidents so there's no risk of that, iRating can be gained easily enough.

iratiing means more than SR. a good irating shows that you can consistently complete races in decentish positions.

if you have a limited amount of talent you're not going to be able to get your IR that high, not even by farming in the mazda cup.

I find it a good indicator of how good someone is, its not coincidence that the best races i have are with people with Iratings over 4000
29 Sep 2009
iratiing means more than SR. a good irating shows that you can consistently complete races in decentish positions.

if you have a limited amount of talent you're not going to be able to get your IR that high, not even by farming in the mazda cup.

I find it a good indicator of how good someone is, its not coincidence that the best races i have are with people with Iratings over 4000

Good argument if your I-rating was car specific or even series/class based. But the fact a guy can sit on the Nvidia MX5 server and farm noobs at limerock park as hes drove 4000000 miles there makes the argument void.

Im no alien by any means. But competing in two cars I was comfortable with the MX5 and the Radical in Radical Cup and Insim league i was able to get my irating up to around 2400, Inside 3 months. Rating me around Average to fast.

The hard part was keeping my licence clean when driving cars I wasn't comfortable with. I could still get decent finishes as a lot of people on I-racing fail to realise to "finish 1st, First you must finish"...

To be honest neither of them are any real indicator. As I could just start from the pits every race and drive round at 10mph and farm SR. Just like a lot of people do on Ovals.
Imo Its a flawed system until I-rating goes based on the car your driving.
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29 Sep 2009
Imo and what impressed me most about iracing was not the guy who came first. Or the chap with teh fastest laps (In the lower series he normally finishes 15 as he was took out on lap two, due to him thinking its his god given right to take the line due to him being 2 seconds a lap faster than you. O and he doesnt care its lap one and you have 4 cars in your rear view mirror, two at the side and 3 cars infront all racing for postion.) hes 2 seconds a lap faster and hes taking that line. From 300 meters back.

It was the guys who always finished top 5 race after race with 0inc Or the guy who started 18th finshed 2nd and managed to do all that with laps within half a second for 45 minutes and finsh with 0inc.

Robert Hope, Simon Hulbert, Paul Thurston, Mr Lopez...

I saw Robert in almost every car on I-racing and in every single one of them he was a true alien and gentleman.
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18 Oct 2002
iratiing means more than SR. a good irating shows that you can consistently complete races in decentish positions.

if you have a limited amount of talent you're not going to be able to get your IR that high, not even by farming in the mazda cup.

I find it a good indicator of how good someone is, its not coincidence that the best races i have are with people with Iratings over 4000

I do agree in general, but 1 or 2 races where you can't join for whatever reason is gonna lose you what, maybe 500 tops iRating, which you'll gain back easily inside a month or two without doing anything that you wouldn't already have done.

Although on the other hand you can indeed 'farm' iRating, like Spils say if you concentrate on just one or two car/track combos and race in rookies (e.g. set a top 10 or even top 5 qually time so you're 'always' on pole) and then drive away from the field it'll keep going up. If you win a race, or even finish top half give or take, you gain iRating, doesn't matter if you're already the highest rated driver, may take a lot of races but it's easy enough to do.

But for most people it evens out around a certain point +/- 100, so if you lose 500 it'll get back up to where it was before with no effort required, just keep racing and doing as well as you've ever done.
27 Jan 2014
Yes i agree with most of that SKILL but its pretty easy to spot people who farm and chances are you won't be racing against them if they just race in specific combos such as mazda at lime rock/okayama.

Robert Hope, Simon Hulbert, Paul Thurston, Mr Lopez...

I saw Robert in almost every car on I-racing and in every single one of them he was a true alien and gentleman.

No disrespect to Robert, he is fast for sure but he is some way off alien pace looking at his lap times. People chuck that term around too much.

True alien = Huttu, kronke, maillard, luis, sharman, bonito, kerkhof, stergios etc

People who get wins/top results in 5000 SOF races against the very best drivers on the service.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Why would you want to farm iRating driving the Mazda all the time, when the MP4 and RUF are such great fun to drive? It's not exactly a cheap game to run and so I just don't understand why anyone would restrict themselves of enjoyment to have a a high iRating, especial when everyone knows it's basically fake.
27 Jan 2014
Mazda is a fun a car, especially since the latest update, it regularly produces the closest racing on the service. It's pretty boring to hot lap with though.

Also tons of people are happy to just have the base subscription, not everyone is obsessed with faster cars, especially as the racing tends to get less close and more of a procession the faster the cars get.
29 Sep 2009
Why would you want to farm iRating driving the Mazda all the time, when the MP4 and RUF are such great fun to drive? It's not exactly a cheap game to run and so I just don't understand why anyone would restrict themselves of enjoyment to have a a high iRating, especial when everyone knows it's basically fake.

Because some people take gaming far to serious. They think anyone really cares about there rating and how pro it makes them look. I know its weird but i saw many people do it. I used to race teh mazda a lot not because Its easy to farm but because theres one sat out on the drive so have a soft spot for it.

@starwarsisgash Apart from Hutu I have no idea who those people are I take it there some of the PRO's If thats the case I cant comment on them as Ive never raced with them. They guys I mentioned I've raced with quite a bit and imo they bleed green..

Obviously you must be running a Pro licence to be racing with the guys you mentioned.
17 Dec 2010
Fairly pleased with my first week of GT3. Raced 5 had two 1st's, 1 2nd and 2 DNF's. My DNF's i realised afterwards were because the ride height I was running meant i was bottoming out going up the hill out of the first corner and loosing the rear end.

Not looking forward to Bathurst next week though, especially in the lower splits. Traffic was bad enough at Road Atlanta but getting stuck behind some in the street section is going to be very painful.
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
I had planned to do most of the GT3 races from 12:00 today but ended up building new wardrobes for my step daughter and I've only just finished. I suppose I should just do some Bathurst practice now instead of racing, especially since I really haven't driven it at all in iRacing or any other sim really.
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