Is the EU migrant quota system about to fall apart?

28 Nov 2003
28 Nov 2003
How does it not surprise me that the least tolerant of migrants are the ones with the least experience with them.

OK, so that's your opinion is it? Please suggest why, to use the "home" of Overclockers as an example, Stoke on Trent was dubbed the Brexit capital of the UK with a massive vote to leave, with residents citing immigration as their main concern?

Stoke certainly has a huge number of immigrants living within its boundaries. How come this lack of tolerance of more coming to the UK is so evident there? :)
30 Jul 2013
Stoke-on-trent population:

Born in the UK 228,294
Poland 1,801
Germany 693
Ireland 571
Italy 324
Nigeria 323
Turkey 257
Ghana 154
Kenya 150
Portugal 125
Lithuania 122
Romania 101
France 91
Spain 71
12 Sep 2012
96.3% of the population of Stoke-on-Trent were born in the UK

Oh yeah, completely overrun by migrants ;)

Also, i thought immigration was certainly not a main concern? At least that's what the usual suspects were harping on about. I thought it was about sovereignty and democracy and all that jazz, certainly not about disliking foreigners that come over here. :D

I think the backbone of your argument is fundamentally wrong :)

Good gracious, it's a veritable melting pot of multiculturalism!


Quite serious, if a medium sized Spanish family move in, it could up the Spanish population in the area by a whopping 9%!
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1 Mar 2010
These threads are super-cringe.

Okay, genii of strategy and tactics, suppose you shunt all forced migrants into the first and often poor and small country or countries bordering a conflict in Africa or the Middle East. The host cannot cope, the conflict spills, the aid and help on the ground is petering in sporadically, if it isn't being bombed by flying Ivans or crazed dictators.

Congratulations -- you've created an even bigger crisis in the region heading your way! If we sit behind our fences and on our hind quarters, do nothing and let this propagate, particularly making a mess of our grand military interventions, the disaster becomes of biblical proportions as people get increasingly more concentrated and desperate.

Having said that, the vast majority of people displaced thus DO end up not too far from the conflict. Though of course there's no law proscribing forced migrants from claiming asylum on religious, political or other grounds anywhere in the world in the first place.

For crying out loud, we resettle fewer refugees per 1,000 members of our population than Burkina Faso! The US is duking it out with Mali! See the problem? The resources are vastly different, and the more developed countries are dodging their humanitarian responsibilities left, right and centre. It's criminal negligence wherever unaccompanied children are concerned. And that's before we even get to the always popular question of foreign aid, which the same people who want migrants out want cut anyway! Still, provided the poor sods actually get on the continent, it can take up to 18 months just to get their claims processed.

International crises are an international responsibility and a shared burden. It's time everyone took some in proportion, so that no one country is saddled with the mistakes of the rest exclusively and empty promises to do better.

It is a wee bit hypocritical though that they are point blank refusing to take any migrants but are one of the countries that will veto any brexit deal that curbs freedom of movement.

The Visegrad way is nearer to pan-European nativism and religious sectarianism, though not universally, which was always around but most systematically beaten into the countries that enjoyed a spell under Bolshevism [replace religion with the state in this instance]: we're white, Christian and alright. If one's likewise? Welcome! If one's an ancient rival? Bad jokes follow! Presumed Muslim and swarthy of appearance? Hold the door! Really, they do not see themselves as an ethnic minority nor in the same category of migrant which people single out here (seeking asylum during WW2 and the Cold War seems to have faded from shared memory, too).

In that line of thought, it's perfectly consistent to assert European rights to move, live, study and work somewhere whilst resisting joint international obligations and burden sharing in humanitarian crises. However, as mentioned above, such behaviour is often a sign of them wanting a concession or two on something completely unrelated.
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30 Jul 2013
I see the pink beret crew are straight in here with their worn out race card and hinting that the subject should be censored.

It's the same tired stuff over and over. Post a headline and some quote from a (generally) right wing bias news story about migrants then barely contribute to the debate you've started.

What's Chris Wilson's solution to the problem of immigration?
24 Sep 2005
We in Stoke like our scapegoats. We're usually in the top10 worst lists for practically everything and somebody needs to take the blame! :p
12 Sep 2012
No hinting anywhere, just that it is the same old threads get posted by the same old people and a quick search shows that is the only sort of thing he posts on OCuk. Funny because of where he lives has such a low migrant population that he is relatively unaffected by them yet seems to be all that is on his mind from the threads made.

People use to get the same flak for starting the same old ebay or MM threads but not anymore since it has been completely eclipsed by less than a handful of posters that refuse to compile the same ctrl + v threads into one.
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