Is the EU migrant quota system about to fall apart?

24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Comparing immigration in the UK and Australia is a bit odd. Don't they have rules regarding skilled workers etc and thus controlled immigration?

I am glad somebody mentioned different generations as it was left out of the 'Born in the UK' discussion for a long time. People see racism where they want, I see a collapsing NHS and school system but then I just read the news. I did post a link ages ago when the Brexit thread was at the forefront of GD but someone can look it up in my post history if they care enough. But it was essentially about about how the population of Muslim children had vastly increased and made up a substantial amount more than in previous years. I would argue from personal opinion and research that Muslim, Indian families do tend to have more children than most average UK families and it is very short sighted to judge the 'Born in the UK' figure without taking into account the domino effect of the vastly higher migration numbers in recent years.

Theres nothing wrong with standing back and looking at the last 15 years to see how much it has gone up and we are still a very desirable country for migrants so the demand won't go down but our services, NHS, schools, housing are not keeping up the demand and are in such a state that it is enough to push a high enough number that most people didn't think possible to actually vote out of the EU. Whether they have all the facts and just think 'Immigration rah!' is another story but it is a big underlying issue that has been building up.

Racist if you deem me but I do miss ringing my Doctor's and getting an appointment easily the same day and able to actually go over things. Immigration can stay as high as it wants, get services back to how they were 15+ years ago and people wouldn't be swinging their handbags all over the place. Most people aren't blind however and see the correlation between year on year high immigration figures and a downward trend in public services.
18 Oct 2002
This forum is getting ****** boring, endless migrant threads.

Sadly it has always been like this. A hot bed of far right loons. Eventually they will say something too far out of lien and eventually get themselves permabanned, just in time for another neo-Nazi to show up.
30 Jun 2007
Stoke-on-trent population:

Born in the UK 228,294
Poland 1,801
Germany 693
Ireland 571
Italy 324
Nigeria 323
Turkey 257
Ghana 154
Kenya 150
Portugal 125
Lithuania 122
Romania 101
France 91
Spain 71

Have you got a better more accurate list?

From census data:


Now that is ethnicity, which you seem to be obsessed about. Because a large proportion of those not racially British are British born, that leaves a very low amount of migrant Asians by comparison to the rest.

So from you are looking at 0.4% Indian not born here and 1.6% Pakistani not born here.

If you want roe info, download the census data. The figures quoted earlier accompany this statement in the data and given the population is just under 250000, it is obvious that there are missing nationalities and they are mentioned in the text.

There is no conspiracy, there is no mobs of angry brown people getting ready to strike.

Theres aome lretty vast differemces in those numbers
11 Oct 2004
I find it amazing that people blame migrants for falling NHS standards rather than the government who implemented austerity and went to war with its workers. Same with our schools.

Perhaps because they voted for that government?
12 Sep 2012
Services are strained because population of EVERYONE has increased. Migrants are just a fraction and blaming them is simply stupid.

They make it seem like the annual 0.5% increase in population due to migrants is responsible for strain on public services.

Ask anyone who has worked for a long time for NHS and such, migrants have positively
affected us and have lessened the strain by filling in the gaps left by the increasing number of local public health workers going private due to cuts in funding or funding not increasing relative to the increase demand.

So not only do they alleiviate the strain somewhat by working for these understaffed sectors but they also contribute financially:

between 2001 and 2011, new migrants from the 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004 contributed £5bn more in taxes than they received in benefits and public services. By contrast, over the same period, UK-born people imposed a net cost on the exchequer of £617bn.

Even if they did not contribute as much and did cost the government more and used public services as much as the locals, the migrant population is not so large that it is the main reason for the ridiculous increase in things like NHS waiting times. People make it sound like migrants have tippled the native population :/
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28 Nov 2003
Seriously how is **** like this allowed ubder the new posting behaviour rules?

No worries, my nickname is Rhino (thick skinned and always charging). But I can see your point that if the boot were on the other foot someone could easily throw toys from their perambulator ;)

Anyways, I am off to the pub tonight, so you can all have at me behind my back ;)
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
I find it amazing that people blame migrants for falling NHS standards rather than the government who implemented austerity and went to war with its workers. Same with our schools.

Perhaps because they voted for that government?

Because the cutting or freezing spending constricts the supply of education/healthcare services, migration inflates the demand for both. So yes we've had a bit of a double-whammy, in an ideal world the government could have said "we're going to have cut spending, so better cut net migration as well or the people will really feel the effect of those cuts". Of course in reality our government wasn't allowed to do that and the result was the current wave of "populism" (i.e. politicians listening to voters) and Brexit.
12 Sep 2012
Theres aome lretty vast differemces in those numbers

Well all of my numbers are from the same source which is the census. As i was talking in percentages, what does it matter what numbers other posters post?

Unless, my source is wrong?

Also, as said, you cannot compare the two directly as my post refers to ethnicity, while the other is about birthplace
30 Jul 2013
Aging population is a huge strain on the NHS, and the main reason you can't get a doctors appointment straight away.

Another is the fact that more and more people go to GP/A&E with stupid things like colds, minor cuts etc.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
My link shows that migration allows healthcare to at a higher level and that migrants generally fund more than they cost unlike the native population.

I'm betting your link refers to that now totally discredited LSE study (authored by an "expert") that basically found that young people fit for work don't use the NHS as much as children or old people /shock. The problem is that young, healthy people start families, then get old so do end up using the NHS as much as British born people. You said earlier that "many" recent migrants to the UK will return to their own countries, well how many is "many"? We know that a large proportion of Commonwealth immigrants put down roots in the UK in the '60s, and are now old and retired and so consume healthcare services at similar levels to British born pensioners. You can't ignore the future liability that the nation is taking on by accepting mass migration.
30 Apr 2016
I live in the EU but wasn't born in the UK, can I still move to England? Cause I kind of want to. Does it help to inform you that I'm white?

Also, should I get a job and pay taxes or would that be "stealing the job"? Do I just sit at home and "steal government money" instead?

21 Oct 2011
OK, so that's your opinion is it? Please suggest why, to use the "home" of Overclockers as an example, Stoke on Trent was dubbed the Brexit capital of the UK with a massive vote to leave, with residents citing immigration as their main concern?

Stoke certainly has a huge number of immigrants living within its boundaries. How come this lack of tolerance of more coming to the UK is so evident there? :)

OcUK aren't based in Stoke, or even Stoke-on-Trent, any more, they're based in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
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