Microsoft Blaming PC Firms For WIn 8 Poor Sales.

18 Oct 2002
Giving your product away and hoping to claw money back through app sales just won't work.

Also, I'm guessing you've never used a Surface if you're comparing it to a £150 tablet. It's competing with the iPad.

Yes sure Microsoft would like to think so.

And what warrants it to be competing with the ipad?

The high resolution display, the extremely fast processor, the great cameras.

You and Microsoft are kidding yourselves if you think it's competing with the ipad.

Simple fact bar the case it's a £150-£200 tablet.

As as for clawing you money back via apps it works well for others. It aids market penetration and thus in the long run works.
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9 Aug 2008
Of course it was. It had far better memory management, a far superior UI and the only major let down was drivers. Though that was not a vista issue, that was the manufacturers.

I love the UI on my Windows Phone, and I have played with the RT tablets in the shops and its exactly the same interface. I have yet to play with win8 desktops. I do have a touch screen monitor in my unit, but I cannot see me wiping the entire thing (which has dozens and dozens of programs on it) plus, I do not use the touch screen anyway!

The new UI on Windows 8 for smartphones / tablets is perfect it's the desktop that it shouldn't be built for!
13 Jan 2010
i had a brief play in JL on a RT only recently, first time i had seen one. It really was very nice and probably the only thing i am tempted to get win 8 on (no thanks on desktop when i have 7) i specifically got my partner a win 7 laptop at xmas not 8

but yes, as someone mentioned i would never had known had i not been able to physically have a play, but the cost is too much for most, especially causal when there are android tabs and windows laptops both cheaper..
only reason i would consider getting on is that my hp touchpad fire sale purchase is a bit slow and it was cheap.

as for OS i cant believe i am going to say this, but i think i would prefer windows 8 to android! it seemed nicer to use 8 on the RT than any android tablet, integration would probably be easier with an all windows setup (phone, laptop, pcs, home server) but i just dont like it on the phone

that said i wouldnt get the RT, only the pro, but the pro will be too much. so its either third party or android.
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24 Jan 2007
What happens to your copy of Win7 if you upgrade? Does the license become void?
legally you can't run your previous os while running win8 upgrade version. so yeah it's basically vold

but if you remove your win8 upgrade version then your allowed to use your previous os again
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17 Jan 2007
Yes sure Microsoft would like to think so.

And what warrants it to be competing with the ipad?

The high resolution display, the extremely fast processor, the great cameras.

You and Microsoft are kidding yourselves if you think it's competing with the ipad.

Simple fact bar the case it's a £150-£200 tablet.

As as for clawing you money back via apps it works well for others. It aids market penetration and thus in the long run works.

What on Earth are you talking about? It's you who is kidding yourself if you think the Surface RT isn't an iPad competitor.

Do some research. And while you're at it look into how much profit Apple makes on app store sales.
18 Oct 2002
What on Earth are you talking about? It's you who is kidding yourself if you think the Surface RT isn't an iPad competitor.

Do some research. And while you're at it look into how much profit Apple makes on app store sales.

Explain to me why it's an ipad competitor? I have explained why it is not.

It's a far inferior device bar the case. It's not better than than cheap tablets on the internals.

And apple seem to make around the $19 per device on average for apps alone.

Now if we add music and films into this as well, which Microsoft could easily do. I would i would guess that figure is far higher. So yes this is a more than viable way.

To me it seems you have bought one, and trying to justify the fact you have gotten exploited. But that's your choice in what hardware you buy, seems few agree with you that the RT is good value and i think sales figures show this.
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18 Sep 2009
I don't think Surface itself competes with the iPad, the spec is in favour of the iPad at a magnitude of over 5.
RT competes with IOS and imo is better, but that's not Surface, that's the OS.

Even though it's priced to compete with the iPad, it's stupidly inferior in many ways, only the OS/Functionality are its saving grace, but they're not Surface specific.
It should never have been 400/480.

And I hate Apple products.
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17 Jan 2007
it doesnt compete on a hardware level, it does compete in the sense that MS is going for the same market that Apple is. Therefor, both theheyes and sven are right in a sense. It's just they are too stubborn to see it ;)

No I saw it ages ago. I never once said the Surface had a superior spec. I said it wasn't competing with £150 Android tablets, which it clearly isn't.
18 Oct 2002
If you don't think the Surface is designed to compete with the iPad then no I don't think you understand what a competitor is.

Another great comeback.

I'm not saying Microsoft does not think it is, but they are living in cloud cook coo land in reality to which sales prove this.

In reality It's a inferior product in every aspect. Apart from it's a few pounds cheaper hardly enough to matter though.

Now look at the higher end android market. Again it's an inferior product apart from the case and is also priced in a higher bracket.

No manufacturers are taking it on, as they know by the time they add the licensing fees onto the device it will not be competitive, with other products on the market.

It seems you have no clue.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
No I saw it ages ago. I never once said the Surface had a superior spec.

So sven was correct? why question him then? :confused:

Now look at the higher end android market. Again it's an inferior product apart from the case and is also priced in a higher bracket.

If you are still talking just hardware then how is say, a nexus 10 inferior to the latest iPad?
18 Sep 2009
Not to butt in or anything, but the pricing issue is shown with RT when Asus's RT tablet is about 500 quid, yet they've got an X86 tablet with Clovertrail landing at 400.

If you are still talking just hardware then how is say, a nexus 10 inferior to the latest iPad?

Arguably it's not, better resolution, comes in at a lower price point, so isn't even priced to compete with the iPad.
SOC wise, I know the latest iPad has quite a beast in it, I believe it's better than the Nexus 10's? I couldn't imagine anyone struggling with either tablet, I'd pick the Nexus 10 myself, but I can see why people would pick the iPad if they're already enveloped within the economy.
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