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The RT Related Games, Benchmarks, Software, Etc Thread.

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4 Jun 2009
It's great for gaming if/when AMD steps up on the RT front. It's the way forward without question and the most innovation that happens in the RT space, the higher the quality we'll get and it'll be more viable on lower end cards as well.

Yup exciting times ahead :) :cool: I imagine AMD didn't have much say in the matter tbf as sony and microsoft probably have been asking them to start priortising RT over raster too (which will have come from the game devs/studios too).
4 Jun 2009
Yep. Would be nice to see bigger leaps in RT performance in the future.

What I'm hoping we start to see more of than just leaps in hardware is game devs starting to properly integrate it as part of the game from the ground up rather than the usual of just tacking an option to enable/disable on top i.e. basically more metro ee, spiderman 2 and avatar examples. The hardware is arguably there even with ampere/RDNA 3 levels of RT to have a good RT experience now (even if limited), this will come with time though as devs get more experience with it and further optimisations as we are seeing with UE 5 currently.
21 Feb 2010
Aberdare, Wales
It's not wrong though and we'll see the exact same again when/if rDNA 4 matches/passes Nvidia RT :)

I'm laughing more at the the fact that AMD unintentionally gave more life to Nvidia 3000 series cards and below as they didn't need to get a 4000 series gfx card to use frame gen.
If AMD, as bad as they are, ended up having frame gen working quite well on a rivals gfx card, what could Nvidia have achieved if they even bothered trying to get it to work on 2-3 series cards?
We know the reason why Nvidia didn't bother don't we :D
Thank god for modders to be fair.
4 Jun 2009
I'm laughing more at the the fact that AMD unintentionally gave more life to Nvidia 3000 series cards and below as they didn't need to get a 4000 series gfx card to use frame gen.
If AMD, as bad as they are, ended up having frame gen working quite well on a rivals gfx card, what could Nvidia have achieved if they even bothered trying to get it to work on 2-3 series cards?
We know the reason why Nvidia didn't bother don't we :D
Thank god for modders to be fair.

I'm not really sure what relevance this post has to the original point/discussion??? It's not exactly hard to go through the ada announcement and original frame gen thread to see the amount of **** thrown at nvidia because of "fake frames" to then amd releasing it and suddenly, it being the best thing ever despite the fact that vrr was broken, latency was insane (something that people laughed at with nvidia even though it was a bug with vsync and hitting the max refresh rate of your screen.....), their anti lag tech getting you banned from online games, lack of uptake in games and so on..... Essentially what choice did amd have when they were last to the market and with an inferior option? They haven't done it from the goodness of their heart.... It's nothing new when it comes to a certain brand being better in one area than the other e.g. power efficiency, tesselation, vram at the time where nvidia had more than amd and so on, just the way it is and such things just highlight the irony and hypocrisy that happens.
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21 Feb 2010
Aberdare, Wales
I'm not really sure what relevance this post has to the original point/discussion??? It's not exactly hard to go through the ada announcement and original frame gen thread to see the amount of **** thrown at nvidia because of "fake frames" to then amd releasing it and suddenly, it being the best thing ever despite the fact that vrr was broken, latency was insane (something that people laughed at with nvidia even though it was a bug with vsync and hitting the max refresh rate of your screen.....), their anti lag tech getting you banned from online games, lack of uptake in games and so on..... Essentially what choice did amd have when they were last to the market and with an inferior option? They haven't done it from the goodness of their heart.... It's nothing new when it comes to a certain brand being better in one area than the other e.g. power efficiency, tesselation, vram at the time where nvidia had more than amd and so on, just the way it is and such things just highlight the irony and hypocrisy that happens.

Again you simply refuse to criticise anything Nvidia do, don't you ever get tired of it?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Again you simply refuse to criticise anything Nvidia do, don't you ever get tired of it?

He criticises their pricing. That's why he is still on a 10GB 3080 :cry:

Nexus is a all in guy. He was like this when he was team red for like a decade before joining team green :cry::p

Still, better than slagging of team green at every opportunity and then buying their over priced 3090 :D
4 Jun 2009

Not sure what relevance this has to the discussion going on? Funny how anytime you point out amd flaws it's a case of "defending Nvidia, attacking amd". Such posts only reveal ones own bias/fanboyism/loyalty. I always forget on these forums it should be just "Nvidia bad" stance as they're the only ones who do no good....

If you really care, which chances are you don't or rather it will be the same old of fingers in ears to fit the narrative of what you want to believe but feel free to go through threads and you'll see I've criticised Nvidia on multiple things and as pointed out above, the very fact I'm still on a 3080 shows that the pricing of 40xx simply wasn't good hence the lack of an upgrade..... Vote with your wallet not crying on a forum and the fact that some people are still on ancient vega hardware shows that amd aren't quite as good as said people make out :cry:

Funny how the people who always seem to have a problem are the ones who own/favour amd and will never criticise amd lel....

He criticises their pricing. That's why he is still on a 10GB 3080

Nexus is a all in guy. He was like this when he was team red for like a decade before joining team green

Still, better than slagging of team green at every opportunity and then buying their over priced 3090

Yup I say it how it is. AMD/ATI used to be incredible, nvidia didn't have many advantages back in the day imo aside from physx [but was meh imo and hardly worthwhile given how few games used it] and gsync [expensive though and I didn't want to be locked into nvidia at the time] hence why I used exclusively amd/ati gpus, now, well, evidence is there to show the gap is huge now..... Fact I have owned far more amd hardware than intel and nvidia combined throughout the years says it all but nope, nvidia fanboi :cry:

Anyway, moving back to RT:

upgrading the game to Unreal Engine 5, introducing improved Lumen Global Illumination lighting

You love to see it :cool:
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4 Jun 2009
Good watch this:

And good read:

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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
This is so true! The AMD boys just say they don't want RT anyway. :p:confused::mad:

Funny thing is, if AMD suddenly offered better RT performance than nvidia, it would suddenly become cool. They would say back then there were nit many RT titles yada yada.

I mean look, they were laughing at fake frames, then when FSR 3 came out they get all excited :cry:
18 May 2010
Funny thing is, if AMD suddenly offered better RT performance than nvidia, it would suddenly become cool. They would say back then there were nit many RT titles yada yada.

I mean look, they were laughing at fake frames, then when FSR 3 came out they get all excited :cry:

Well the rumours are the next gen AMD cards are going to have dedicated RT hardware.
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14 Aug 2009
Telling you. If it does well, they will slowly change their tune.

The tribalism makes me laugh. If a piece of tech is good it's good. Should not matter if it's green or red. Call a spade a spade.
If the price of the new cards would have been lower, perhaps a lot of resentment towards RT (and nVIDIA) would have been missing.

Of course, developers missing the plot didn't help either.

If UE5 would be as plug and play as possible, for most games, things will change/improve.
4 Jun 2009
TBF it's not surprising why RT gets so much hate from amd fans, nvidia have done an incredible job with all their marketing around RTX etc. to make it out like they own RT.

Some more info on RDNA 4 RT:


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